Perform system restore

System Restore is a very common word among Windows users. This is one of the best methods to fix any software related problems in windows PC. Maybe everyone knows only the common method to do system restore. But there are some different ways to do system restore. Especially, It’ll be very good to know the ways to do system restore in Windows 10 as all as the previous windows.

What is System restore?

Everytime you install a programs or make some important change, windows takes a snapshot of your computers settings. And if after install the new software or programs causes serious problems like the computer turns off for no reason or you get strange error messages Then you should be able to turn the clock back to when the snapshot was made and everyting should work again. This process is called System restore, and it protects you whenever you install updates, programs or new hardware like if you add a printer.

Turn on System Protection

Before you can restore a previous version of Windows, you must turn on the system protection following the steps below. That means the system protection option must be enabled so Windows regularly create snapshots before critical changes take place.

  • Open the control panel and go to system and security,
  • Click on the system then click on advanced system settings,
  • Move to the system protection tab, then Click Configure under Protection Settings.
  • Finally, select radio button Turn on system protection and click apply then ok.

Turn on System protection

Manually create system restore point

  1. Press Windows key + R, type sysdm.cpl and hit ok to open system properties,
  2. Move to the System Protection tab then click Create under Protection Settings
  3. Type a description for the restore point and click Create.


How to system restore in Windows 10

Now i’ll discuss some awesome methods to do system restore in Windows.

Common Method

This system restore method works for almost every version of Windows. To do it-

  • Open the start menu and type Restore Point.
  • Now click on Create System Restore Point.
  • Then click on System Restore, A new system restore wizard opens here click next
  • Now choose a restore point and Confirm the restore point and system restoration, and then click Finish.

Note – Once a system restoration begins, it can’t be stopped.

Perform system restore

You dont have to worry about losing any documents or other personal files performing system restore, because system restore doesn’t affect these.

System Restore by Command Prompt

This is another method that works for every version of Windows. To do it –

  • Press Windows key + R, type rstrui.exe and press enter key,
  • Then the system restore windows will be opened.
  • Click next then choose your restore point and restore your system.

Note: If you are using earlier versions of Windows like Windows XP, Vista and 7, You have to open Command Prompt with the administrator manually. Then type rstrui.exe for Windows 7 & Vista. For Windows XP, type %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe and press enter.

Advanced Startup

This is a great method for Windows 10 as well as Windows 8/8.1 users. To do it-

  • You have to restart your PC by holding shift key from your Keyboard. If you are a Windows 10 user, open start menu and click on power. Then press+hold shift and click on Restart. If you are Windows 8/8.1 user, Move your mouse to the bottom-right corner. Windows charms bar will be opened. Now click on the Power icon. Then press+hold shift and click on restart.
  • Wait for a moment. You will see advanced startup options.
  • Click on Troubleshoot.
  • Then click on Advanced Options.
  • Then choose System Restore.
  • Now you can restore your PC.

Method 5: Command Prompt in Advanced Startup

This is another method to do system restore in windows. To do it,

  • Open Advanced Startup as method 4.
  • Then click on Troubleshoot and Advanced Options.
  • Then select the command prompt and type the command of method 2.

These are some best methods to do system restore in windows PC. Normally, You don’t need to know all of these methods. But sometimes, you will really need it to troubleshoot your PC. Especially i fixed many problems of Microsoft Windows 10 by restoring system in safe mode. That was the only way to fix my problem.

system restore not complete successfully?

Is Something Wrong with System Restore or it fails with a different error? Then start Windows 10 in safe mode and perform system restore again.

In addition, make sure to disable third-party antivirus software from your PC.

If you have any questions about ‘System Restore’, Ask me by comment.

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I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.