windows installer service could not be accessed

Getting error The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed or windows installer service not running error when you try to install a program in Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7? Due to this error, you are unable to install applications, Looking for solutions to fix This problem. Here we have some working solutions to fix this error.

“The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance” or may this Error Would be like “Error 1719. Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that it is properly registered and enabled.”

What is Windows Installer?

Windows installer services are a basic required service that needs a windows computer to install or uninstall a new software application. All the software created for Windows utilizes this service while they’re mapped. So if this service is not responding or not available at the moment you’re installing new programs, you can’t go ahead. And you face errors like windows installer service could not be accessed.

Reason For windows installer service not running

This windows installer service could not be accessed Error can occur due to different reasons, some most common are. Maybe the Windows Installer files on the system are either missing or corrupt. You install or remove a program that uses the Microsoft Installer Service before you try to install the program on your computer. Or may The Windows Installer Service is not running, Also this error can occur if the Windows installer is not registered properly.

windows installer service could not be accessed Error

After understand what exactly do the windows installer, and why this shows an error windows installer service could not be accessed Error while install or uninstall applications. Now fallow below are the steps to fix this problem.

Check Windows Installer Service Is Running

Before performing any troubleshooting steps first make sure the windows installer service is running properly. If the windows installer service is not running, Stopped working, or not responding then you may face this problem. While install or uninstall any application. To check or start the windows installer service follow bellow steps.

Press Win + R and type services.msc in the Run dialog box, hit Enter key this will open Windows Services snap-in. Now scroll down and look for Windows Installer service. For you, if this service is running then simply right-click on it and select restart. Or If this service is not started or Disabled then simply right-click on it and select properties.


Here on the property popup change the startup type to Manual or Automatic as shown image. And Also click on start bellow service status.  That’s It click apply, Ok to make save changes. Also, You can do the same on the command prompt. First, open the command prompt as administrator and type net start MSIServer then press ENTER to execute the command. Now once Restart windows and try to install or uninstall whatever you want you didn’t face any error like windows installer service could not be accessed. If you still getting the same problem follow the next step.

Re-register Windows Installer Service

If the above method fails to fix the windows installer service could not be accessed error then you may need to re-register the Windows Installer service using the command prompt. To do this follow below steps

First, open the command prompt as administrator, you can do this by right click on the windows 10 start menu and select the command prompt ( admin ), or you can click on the start menu search type cmd, from the search results right-click on the command prompt and run as administrator. Now here If you using a 64-bit version of Windows then type the following commands one by one and press enter key after every command to execute the same.

%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /unregister
%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /regserver
%windir%\syswow64\msiexec.exe /unregister
%windir%\syswow64\msiexec.exe /regserver

Or if you have a 32-bit Windows version then type only the below commands and press enter key to execute the same.

msiexec /unregister
msiexec /regserver

Re-register Windows Installer Service

That’s all, Now type exit to close the command prompt and restart the windows computer to take effect the changes you have made. After that install or uninstall the application and check the problem is fixed.

Run The SFC Utility

Most of time Due to corrupt system files windows shows different Error and may this windows installer service could not be accessed is one of them.  So make sure there are not corrupt system files on your Windows computer by running the SFC utility. Which scans all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions. To run this tool open the command prompt as administrator and type sfc /scannow and hit the enter key.

Wait until complete the scanning process is complete 100 %.  After that Restart windows and install or uninstall any application to check windows installer service could not be accessed problem solved or not.

Tweak on Windows Registry

If all of the above methods fail to fix the windows installer service could not be accessed error. Then you can perform some Advanced tweaks on the windows registry to fix this problem. Let’s see how to do.

Note: Windows registry editor is the essential part of windows. Any mistake on the windows registry can cause windows not to work properly. We recommend creating a system restore point before making any changes to the Windows registry. So that if anything goes wrong while making changes on the windows registry we can revert to the previous working state by performing the system roster.

First press Win + R on Run Box type regedit and hit the enter key. This will open the windows registry editor.

Here from the left pane navigate to the following key.



Here on the right pane look for the DWORD key named WOW64. Check the data value for WOW64 registry if it’s set to 1 then right-click on it and select modify. Now change the value data to 0. Click ok to make save the changes.

Note : If you can’t find the WOW64 DWORD then simply right click on blank space select New -> DWORD 64 -> Name it to WOW64. And set value data to 0.  After make the changes simply restart windows and check problem is solved or not.

These are some best working solutions to fix the “windows installer service could not be accessed” error on windows 10, 8.1, and Windows 7 computers. Let us know which option worked for you. And also If you have any query about this error and solutions feel free to discuss on the comments. You can directly share your windows problems through our contact us form.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.