Windows 11 Hotkeys
Photo by Samuel Riosn on Unsplash

A hot key is a key or a combination of keys on a computer keyboard that, when pressed at one time, performs a task (such as starting an application) more quickly than by using a mouse or other input device. With the right key combination, you can reach your goal faster. In Windows 11 Microsoft added some new keyboard shortcuts. The reason for this is that Windows 11 brought fundamental innovations to the desktop there, such as the widget area. Here are some important and new keyboard shortcuts for Windows 11 you must know.

The new keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11

Most previous Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts will continue to work just fine on Windows 11, so all you have to do to switch to Windows 11 as a power user is learn a few new hotkeys. But there are also minor changes.

Windows key + A: In Windows 10, this opens the notification bar on the side of the screen, which has a few settings buttons at the bottom, such as activating Airplane mode or Night mode. In Windows 11, after the Windows key + A, only a few basic Windows settings are displayed, which can be changed using a button or slider.
windows key and A hotkeyFor example to increase or decrease the volume. The user can use the “Notification Assistant” button to specify whether Windows 11 can disturb him at work (or while gaming). The choices are Always, Alarms Only, and Priority Only.

Windows key + N: Windows 11 shows the notifications via this hotkey. On the left side of the screen (like on Windows 10), but much clearer, including a calendar.
windows key and N hotkeyWindows key + Z: This can be used to activate the new snap layout function (also called docking layouts), which Windows 11 offers for each program window if you hold the mouse pointer over the “Maximize” icon for a longer time. Here you can specify the position in which the program window is to be displayed and arrange other program windows accordingly. You should also know the following two hotkeys:

  • Windows key + Alt + Up Arrow: The active window is “snapped” in the top half of the desktop.
  • Windows key + Alt + down arrow: The active window is “snapped” in the lower half of the desktop

Windows key + W: The widget area in Windows 11 can be displayed using this keyboard combination.

windows 11 widgetWindows key + Ctrl + C: Activates the color filter (function must first be activated in the settings under Settings, Accessibility and Color filter)

Windows key + C: Opens a chat in Microsoft Teams
In addition, you can use the PrtScn key on your keyboard to Take a screenshot of your entire screen and save it to your clipboard.

Windows key + PrtScn: Take a screenshot of your entire desktop and save it to a folder on your computer. And

Windows key + Shift + S: Open the Snipping Tool menu to take a screenshot of only a section of your screen.

  • F2: Rename a selected item.
  • F3: Quickly search for files in File Explorer.
  • F4: Highlight the address bar in File Explorer.
  • F5: Refresh your active window.
  • F6: Cycle through elements (tab, buttons, search bar, etc.) in a window or your desktop.
  • Alt + F8: Show login password on the start screen.
  • F10: Activate the menu bar in the active window.

Popular keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 11

Select all contentsCtrl + A
Copy the selected itemsCtrl + C
Cut the selected itemsCtrl + X
Paste the copied or cut itemsCtrl + V
Undo an actionCtrl + Z
Redo an actionCtrl + Y
Switch between the running applicationsAlt + Tab
Open Task ViewWin + Tab
Close the active app or If you are on Desktop, open the Shutdown box to shut down, restart, log out or put your PC to sleep.Alt + F4
Lock your computer.Win + L
Display and hide the desktop.Win + D
Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.Ctrl + Delete
Delete the selected item permanently.Shift + Delete
Capture a full screenshot and saves it in the clipboard.PrtScn or Print
Capture part of the screen with Snip & Sketch.Win + Shift + S
Open Start button context menu.Windows + X
Rename selected item.F2
Refresh the active window.F5
Open Menu bar in the current app.F10
Go back.Alt + Left arrow
Go forward.Alt + Left arrow
Move up one screenAlt + Page Up
Move down one screenAlt + Page Down
Open Task Manager.Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Project a screen.Win + P
Print the current page.Ctrl + P
Select more than one item.Shift + Arrow keys
Save the current file.Ctrl + S
Save AsCtrl + Shift + S
Open a file in the current app.Ctrl + O
Cycle through the apps on the taskbar.Alt + Esc
Display your password on the login screenAlt + F8
Open the shortcut menu for the current windowAlt + Spacebar
Open properties for the selected item.Alt + Enter
Open the context menu (right-click menu) for the selected item.Alt + F10
Open Run command.Win + R
Open a new program window of the current appCtrl + N
Take a screen clippingWin + Shift + S
Open Windows 11 settingsWin + I
Go back to Settings home pageBackspace
Stop or close the current taskEsc
Enter/Exit the full-screen modeF11
Launch Emoji keyboardWin + period (.) or Win + semicolon (;)

Other Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 11

Open Game barWin + G
Record the last 30 seconds of the active gameWin + Alt + G
Start or stop recording the active gameWin + Alt + R
Take a screenshot of the active gameWin + Alt + PrtSc
Show/hide recording timer of the gameWin + Alt + T
Start IME reconversionWin + forward slash (/)
Open Feedback HubWin + F
Launch Voice TypingWin + H
Open the Connect quick settingWin + K
Lock your device orientationWin + O
Display the System Properties PageWin + Pause
Search for PCs (if you’re on a network)Win + Ctrl + F
Move an app or window from one monitor to anotherWin + Shift + Left or Right arrow key
Switch input language and keyboard layoutWin + Spacebar
Open Clipboard HistoryWin + V
Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop.Win + Y
Launch Cortana appWin + C
Open another instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.Win + Shift + Number key (0-9)
Switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.Win + Ctrl + Number key (0-9)
Open Jump List of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.Win + Alt + Number key (0-9)
Open another instance as an administrator of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.Win + Ctrl + Shift + Number key (0-9)

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I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.