Windows 10 is the best ever operation system by Microsoft, compared to previous Windows versions. It is loaded with numerous amazing features, Security improvements, a user-friendly interface and most one it’s faster. Also, Microsoft Regularly updates its OS, with new versions that add and subtract the feature set. Recently Microsoft Rolled out the Windows 10 version 21H2 update with a number of Features, Security improvements, and Bug fixes. But Some of the users report windows 10 running slow after Update, or Windows 10 laptop slow startup and shutdown problem. If you are also struggling form this problem here 7 windows 10 performance tweaks apply to speed up Windows 10 laptops.
Post Contents :-
- 1 How to make Windows 10 run faster
- 1.1 Install the latest windows updates
- 1.2 Update device drivers
- 1.3 Set Power plans for High Performance
- 1.4 Disable Visual Effects
- 1.5 Perform Disk Cleanup
- 1.6 Tweak Virtual Memory
- 1.7 Disable Startup Programs and Services
- 1.8 Disable Unnecessary Services
- 1.9 Disable Background Apps
- 1.10 Uninstall Bloatware
- 1.11 Enable Write Caching for Hard Disk Drives
- 1.12 Run System File Checker
- 1.13 Check Disk Drive Errors
How to make Windows 10 run faster
Note: Before Tweak Windows Performance We Recommend Create A System Restore point.
Also, perform a full system scan with the latest updated antivirus to make sure virus-malware infection not causing the issue.
Install the latest windows updates
Before we begin focusing on Windows 10 on performance, let us first make sure it is up to date. Windows 10 is Set to Download And install updates Automatically But you can check for available windows updates following steps:
- Press Windows key + X and select settings,
- Go to Update & Security -> Windows update, then click on Check for updates.
- This will check and start download windows updates form Microsoft server, if available
- Click on the install now button and reboot your PC to apply the changes.
Update device drivers
As the Device driver is the essential part of windows, make sure installed drivers are updated to run Windows 10 smoothly. To check and update Device drivers
- Right, click the Windows Start button and select Device Manager.
- Select your graphics card, audio device, network card and motherboard in turn and check for driver updates.
- Update all peripherals if there is an update available.
Note: You can let Windows take care of driver updates if you like, or perform the check manually. Just visit each hardware vendor’s website and look for newer drivers. Download and install.
Set Power plans for High Performance
Set Windows for Highest performance power plan settings, Which boosts up PC speed without installing or modifying any registry entries, And of course, the safest one cause at last Microsoft put this feature by default in Windows. To tweak your Power.
- Options open the Control panel
- Click Hardware And Sound then Power Options.
- The Power options setting window in now popped,
- Click on show additional plans.
- Then Select Radio Button High Performance As shown in the below image.
As the name suggests this tweak makes Windows faster. Because it consumes the most amount of power it’s also more appropriate for desktops. Choose it if you want to get the most juice out of your computer.
Disable Visual Effects
Various animation, shadows, transparency and other visual effects may look good on your system but they consume a lot of system resources. These special effects can hamper system speed and performance to a larger extent. You can consider disabling all such effects to improve your system performance.
To disable the Transparency effect on your system,
- Go to Settings
- Personalization
- Colors and toggle off “make start, taskbar and action center transparent” option.
To disable other special effects on your system,
- Go to Start > System > Advanced system settings > System Properties.
- Now select Settings and Performance to open the Performance Options menu.
- Select Visual Effects tan and choose “Adjust for best performance” or choose “Custom” to disable and stop other unnecessary visual effects and press OK.
Perform Disk Cleanup
With Day to day use, windows Computer gets filled with lots of useless data that lodges space. These can be a headache as they cause a huge amount of performance degradation of windows 10. That’s why you need to get rid of them. You can use the Disk Cleanup tool which comes with Windows 10 to find and delete all the unnecessary files contained on your drives.
To Run Disk Cleanup Utility
- Click Start and then go to File Explorer. After that click This PC.
- On the right side, under Devices and Drives, select the Local Disk C: and then click and choose the last option Properties from the context menu.
- Then, switch to the General tab and under Capacity, click on Disk Cleanup.
- After the tool completes scanning your system for removable files, you can select the category of files you wish to delete and click OK to remove them.
Tweak Virtual Memory
Virtual memory (A Combination of System Memory and Hard Disk Drive) or Pagefile on your Windows system supports PC crash dumps and enables your system to use physical memory (RAM) efficiently. It helps the system write some file content on the disk memory if the RAM is near capacity.
- Go to the Start menu and right-click on it. Select System > Advanced system settings.
- On the System Properties window, go to the Advanced tab > Performance section and click on the Settings button.
- Go to Performance Options windows > Advanced tab > Virtual memory and click the Change button.
- On the Virtual Memory box, uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option.
- Now from the available options, select the system drive (usually C:\ ).
- Click the Custom Size radio button, enter the values in Initial Size and Maximum Size options in MBs as per the physical memory present in your system.
- Click Set and then OK.
- Apply and ok then restart your computer to changes take place.
Disable Startup Programs and Services
There are a number of programs and services that start automatically every time Windows boots up, you didn’t even need them to start these programs auto. These programs And Services added to the auto startups list at the time of installation and it’s 100% safe to turn them off from this list. Disabling these Startup programs and Services make Huge Difference on Windows Startup Performance. To Disable Fallow Bellow
Disable Startup Programs
- To disable startup programs, open Task Manager,
- You Can do this by hold Control+Shift simultaneously and then hit Escape.
- When the Task Manager is popped up Move to the Startup tab
- You will see there are plenty of programs that are enabled,
- simply select any of the enabled programs and then click on the disable button on the bottom.
Disable Unnecessary Services
To Disable Unnecessary Services Which Run Automatically on Windows Startup
- open System Configuration, By Press Win + R, Type msconfig and hit Enter key.
- Now Move to Services Tab
- first of all, make sure the option Hide all Microsoft Services is selected so you can’t stop any important services of Windows accidentally.
- Now uncheck the running services that you don’t need and click apply to take effect.
- When Ask for Restart save other work and Restart or you can Restart windows later to take effect the changes.
- Again press Win + R, Type Services.msc and hit enter,
- Here on Windows Services scroll down double click on background intelligent transfer service,
- change startup type disables and Stop the Service next to service status.
- Do the Same with Superfetch and Windows update service.
- Now Restart and Check I am sure you notice windows performance improvement.
Disable Background Apps
On Windows 10 There are tons of Windows Apps that still running in the background, some apps are preinstalled and remains are installed by you and don’t even need to let them run in the background to eat your RAM. To Disable Back Ground Running Apps
- Open Windows Settings using keyboard shortcut Windows + I
- Click on Privacy then Backgrounds apps
- here simply turn off Let apps run in the background and you are done.
Uninstall Bloatware
When you purchase a new Laptop you find a number of unnecessary applications installed. All those unwanted software’s always making my PC run slow. This is one of the biggest factors that any windows based system starts getting slower. They would just take up memory spaces unnecessarily and make other apps run slower. That’s why you must remove the bloatware to speed up the performance of Windows 10.
- Click on the Start menu Search Type control panel and hit enter.
- Now Select Programs, And after that, Programs and Features.
- Now Select the Applications you don’t use and Select Uninstall/Change to remove unwanted programs, do it one at a time.
- Follow the instructions in the dialogue boxes to uninstall the software.
Enable Write Caching for Hard Disk Drives
You can boost computer performance by enabling Disk to write caching. It boosts performance by using the RAM to collect & store small write commands as opposed to storing them on your hard drive. This allows applications to run faster by allowing them to proceed without waiting for data write-requests to be written to the hard disk.
To Turn Disk Write Caching On or Off
- Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
- Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
- Expand Disk Drives.
- Right-click the drive on which you want to turn disk write caching on or off, and then click Properties.
- Click the Policies< tab.
- Click to select or clear the Enable to write caching on the disk check box as appropriate.
- Click OK.
Run System File Checker
Also, sometime Corrupted, Missing System files Cause different Errors and make the windows System run Slower. Especially After the Recent Windows upgrade. We Recommend run Windows SFC Utility which Scans missing, damaged System Files if found any the utility Restore them itself from a special cache folder located on %WinDir%\System32\dllcache.
Note: If Running SFC Utility Results windows resource found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them then Run The DISM Tool. It will Repair The System Image and Enable System File Checker To Do its job.
Check Disk Drive Errors
Also, Some Times Disk Drive errors, Bad Sectors Cause the system not responding, Files and Folders not opening etc. We recommend Running The CHKDSK Utility Which scans and fix Disk Drive Errors. To Run CHKDSK Utility open Command Prompt as administrator then Type chkdsk /f /r /x And hit Enter. Press Y and Restart Windows, Wait for 100% Complete the Scan and repair process.
Restart Windows After applying the above solutions, Now check the PC/Laptop running smoothly? Share your experience on the comments below, also read: