Laptop freezes randomly
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

The latest Windows 10 is the best operating system compared to the previous ones. And Microsoft Regularly pushes windows updates with new features and security enhancements. Installing the latest windows updates not only optimizes the system but also fix new issues like system compatibility, any feature not working properly on the specific computer etc. But sometimes you may experience the laptop randomly freezes and becomes completely unresponsive.

A number of users report, the windows 10 laptop freezes randomly for a few seconds or Windows 10 freezes randomly and suddenly show Blue Screen Error or the computer restart without any warning.

Why does my laptop often freeze?

There are a number of reason that may cause windows 10 freezes randomly or even a new laptop freezes randomly for a few seconds. If could be buggy windows updates, viruses malware infection Disk driver errors or system files corrupted and more.

Insufficient or faulty RAM is one of the most frequent causes, while software and hardware issues can also cause your Laptop to freeze.

Whatever the reason here in this post we have a few effective solutions apply to fix the windows 10 laptop freezes randomly issue.

Let’s first Identify the Issue, Why does Windows 10 freezes?

Does your computer overheat?  If any Hardware Device gets damaged or does not work properly then you may face that your system getting overheated and restart continuously.

Updated your Driver recently?  If you recently updated your installed device drivers and then after this Auto System Restart started then there may be a Driver compatibility issue.

Installed some Windows Updates? If this problem started after installing Recent windows updates then maybe updates not installed properly or any installed update bug not compatible with your windows system.

Do you get to see a Blue Screen? If you getting blue screen Error and the system restarts continuously then first identify when this error started. Its after installing the recent update or after installing new hardware or after installing new device drivers etc.

Fix Windows 10 freezes randomly

Now, let’s move to the solution part, but before move forward we recommend reboot your system. When you restart your PC it not only refreshes the windows OS but also clears temporary glitches that may present there and cause windows to slow down.

Also, it’s advised to perform a full system scan with the latest updated antivirus or antimalware app to remove if any virus malware infection there.

If due to this problem your PC became unstable, or unable to perform any task then we recommend start windows safe mode and apply the solutions listed below.

Install the missing updates

Whenever you experience a problem with your windows PC, the first thing you should check for and install the latest windows updates on your device. Installing the latest windows updates not only brings a fix for recent bugs but also enhances the system performance as well.

To install the latest windows updates on your device:

  • Press Windows key + X and select settings,
  • Go to Update and Security then windows update and hit the check for updates button,
  • If new updates are there allow them to install on your device, once done you need to reboot your device to apply them.
  • Now check if there is an improvement in your system performance.

Windows 10 Update

Repair Corrupted System Files

If any System files get corrupted, damaged or missed on your system you may experience unnecessary errors, system freezes and Restart loopback. And Most of time running DISM and SFC command help fix such problem that slows down the computer.

  • Press Windows key + S and type cmd, right click on command prompt select run as administrator,
  • First, run DISM command dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
  • This will check the system image for errors and may take 10 to 20 minutes to complete the scanning
  • Once done run the system file checker command sfc /scannow
  • This command checks for corrupted system files and try to replace them with the correct one.

Once the scanning process completes, reboot your system and check if your laptop starts and run smoothly.

Check For Hardware failure

Hardware failure or system instability can also cause laptop freezes randomly or reboot automatically. The problem could be the RAM, Hard Drive, Power Supply, Graphic Card or External devices or it could be an overheating or BIOS issue. For this, you have to manually check them one by one.

Problems with Graphics Card mostly causes a such problem on windows 10. You may experience windows 10 restart automatically without any error or the system freezes continuously.

If you have an external Graphics card installed, Remove the graphics card and start windows with a normal basic VGA port or try a Different Graphics Card. Again if you have an inbuild graphic then we recommend update the graphics driver.

Also If the problem started after installing a new External Device then remove all external devices and start windows normally. If the system works smoothly then attach one by one external device to find out the faulty device.

Use the Memory Diagnostic Tool

Windows 10/8/7 has an Inbuilt Memory Diagnostic Tool which you can use to check for possible memory problems. The Memory Diagnostic Tools runs a comprehensive test and displays the test results so you can take immediate action.

A faulty memory card is one of the most common causes of computer freezes. So before you invest in a new computer, check to see if your memory card is at fault.

To Run Memory Diagnostic Tool

  • Press Windows key + R, type mdsched.exe and click ok to open the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.
  • Click Restart now and check for problems (recommended).
  • Windows will then restart and scan for memory errors,  It might take several minutes for the tool to finish.

Memory diagnostic tool

Check Hard Disk For Errors

Again a problem with the disk drive may also slow down the laptop or result windows 10 freezes randomly. Let’s check with the build-in chkdsk command that helps find out and Repair Hard disk and Bed Sector Errors.

  • First open command prompt as administrator,
  • Type command chkdsk c: /f /r /x and press the enter key.

Check disk utility

Tip: CHKDSK is the short of Check Disk, C: is the drive letter you want to check, /F means fix disk errors, /R stands for recover information from bad sectors and /x for dismount the disk )

When it prompt “Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)”. Answer Yes to that question by pressing the Y key on your keyboard and press Enter. Restart your computer.

After restarting, the disk checking operation should start. This will take some time to Scan and repair the drive.

Wait until Windows check your disk for errors 100 % complete. If any Errors are found on the hard disk this will try to Repair itself or after Restart, you will check the chkdsk Report in Event Viewer.

Update device drivers

Most of time outdated device drivers especially the display driver (Graphics driver) cause windows 10 to freeze or not respond. Install latest drivers on your device is probably a good solution to fix such problems on windows 10.

The outdated, broken display drivers or network adapters could also lead to computer issues like PC freezes/hangs occasionally for 30 seconds

  • Press Windows key + X and select device manager,
  • This will display all installed device driver lists on your computer,
  • Look for if any drivers there with a yellow exclamation mark, if found any you need to update or reinstall that driver.

In addition, expand the display driver section, right-click on the installed graphics driver and select update driver,

Click on search automatically for updated driver software and follow on-screen instructions to download and install updated driver software from the Microsoft server.

Update display driver

If you recently updated your device drivers and now find that your Windows restarts without warning, you might want to troubleshoot your Driver problems or consider rolling back your driver to the earlier version.

  • Again open device manager using devmgmt.msc
  • Locate the driver causing the problem, right-click on it select properties,
  • Here you will get the option to roll back the driver previous version.

Note Roll Back option is only available if you updated your driver from old to new one.

According to a few users, you can fix the issue simply by replacing the SATA cable that connects to your hard drive.

Also check if your laptop overheats, if yes then it might slow down the device performance. here are some tips on how to cool down your laptop.

These are some best working solutions to fix windows 10 freezes randomly Not responding, Crashes and Restart automatically problem. Have any queries, suggestion feel free to comment below.

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I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.