Windows 10 version 20H2

Didi the Windows 10 update is stuck at a certain percentage such as 0% or 100? It can be due to a simple overloaded physical memory, software conflict or a preexisting problem that wasn’t visible until the Windows Updates were initiated. Or maybe the update database get corrupted, which may be causing Windows to update stuck. Here are some solutions you may apply to fix when Windows 10 version 21H2 is stuck at downloading.

Windows update stuck at downloading

If the upgrade Process is Stuck While Downloading or installing updates. Then First make sure

  • You have enough disk space to download the updates (minimum 20 GB Free Disk Space ).
  • Have a Good Stable Internet connection To Download the Update files from Microsoft Server.
  • Check Windows update service and its related services (sysMain, Superfetch) are in running state.
  • Check Any Security Software not causing the issue, Or Completely uninstall the antivirus program.

Correct regional settings

Also, incorrect regional settings cause Windows update Failure. Make sure your Regional and language settings are correct. You can Check, and Correct them following the steps below

  • Open Settings -> Time & Language
  • Select Region & Language from options on left.
  •  Here Verify your Country/Region is correct from the drop-down list.

Also, perform a clean boot and check for updates, which may fix the problem if any third-party application, service causes the Windows update stuck.

Run Windows Update troubleshooter

Microsoft Released an Official update troubleshooting tool, which helps to check and fix Windows update Related problems themselves. Also, Run the built-in Windows update Troubleshooter following the steps below.

  • Press the Keyboard shortcut Windows + I to open the Settings app
  • Go to Update & Security then Troubleshoot.
  • Then select Windows Update and Run The Troubleshooter As shown Bellow image,

The troubleshooter will run and attempt to identify if any problems exist which prevent your computer from downloading and installing Windows Updates. After complete, the process Restart Windows and again manually Check for Updates. Running the troubleshooter should hopefully clear up the problems causing Windows Update to get stuck.

Windows update troubleshooter

Reset Windows update components

If running the Windows update troubleshooter didn’t fix the problem. Simply try to reset the Windows update components that fix most of the Windows update download and installation problems.

  • Open the Windows services console using services.msc
  • Look for Windows update service, Right-click, and select stop

stop windows update service

  • Now Open File Explorer, you can use the keyboard shortcut Windows + E
  • Then navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\download
  • Here Delete all the files in the download folder, But don’t delete the folder itself.

Delete windows update files

  • Again move to the Windows services console,
  • Right-click on Windows update service select start,
  • That’s all close everything and restart Windows.

Now check for updates from Settings -> update & security -> Windows update -> check for updates. I am sure this time you get succeed, Without any problem or update stuck.

Run DISM and SFC utility

Again sometimes corrupted system files cause Windows 10 Update to stuck downloading. Run the system file checker which scans and restores missing corrupted system files. If found any the utility will restore them from a special folder located on %WinDir%\System32\dllcache. Wait until 100% complete the scanning process, Then After Restart Windows and check for updates. If SFC Utility Scan Results found corrupted files but unable to fix then Run DISM Tool Which enables SFC Utility to Do its job.

If all the above methods fail to fix the issue, and the Windows 10 feature Update fails to install, stuck downloading updates, Then use an official media creation tool or Upgrade Assistant to upgrade to Windows 10 Version 21H2 smoothly.

Also, you can download the Windows 10 ISO File for manual upgrade or Perform Clean install of Windows 10 Version 21H2.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.