Windows 10 system and compressed memory

On Windows 10 computer system and compressed memory are a process responsible for various functions related to system and memory. This process is mostly responsible for the compression of files, folders, and the management of RAM. This is an advanced feature on Windows 10 computers to compress the pagefile.sys. Some users report Windows 10 computer crashes and freezes continuously for hours. Even right-click on the taskbar and select task manager users notice system and compressed memory process usages huge amount of Disk and memory Which makes the system unresponsive. If you are also suffering from this problem like the system and compressed memory high memory usage, system and compressed memory high disk usage or system and compressed memory high CPU usage and looking for a solution to fix high disk usage by system and compressed memory on windows 10 problem permanently. continue reading here we have some working tips which help you to fix this problem and get back windows normal.

What are the System and Compressed Memory processes?

In previous windows or even on Windows 10 computers when physical memory (RAM) became full windows usage virtual memory (pagefile.sys) to store the pages that aren’t used at the time the memory becomes full. This file is located at C:\pagefile.sys and act as extra memory. At a later time when RAM is emptied, Windows load back these pages to RAM. This feature prevents the system from running out of memory.

On Windows 10 the above feature, goes one step ahead further, instead of transferring the unused pages to the pagefile, Windows compress them (to make their size smaller) and continues to keep these pages in the physical memory (RAM), which help to run more programs in physical memory at a time. This service is called the System and Compressed Memory process and is used on Windows 10 to improve the overall computer performance.

Cause for High Disk Usage by the system and compressed memory

The System and compressed memory process High disk usage problem start mostly Two reasons. May you messed around with your virtual memory settings and ended up changing the paging file size from Automatic to a set value or the System and compressed memory process is simply going haywire.

System and compressed memory high disk usage problem

Scan Windows for virus malware infection

Most of the time After install pirated cracked software applications many users face this problem. And the most common reason for that is any viruses or malicious programs. which causes the System and Compressed Memory high CPU (or memory) usage problem. So, before you continue to troubleshoot the issue we suggest first check your system for virus malware infection.

Install the latest updated antivirus program and perform a full system scan, Then after restart windows and check it helped. If not follow the next troubleshooting step.

Set the paging file size for all drives back to automatic

By default, Windows will set the page file.sys file size and manage it automatically. If you recently adjust the virtual memory and set customized the paging file size for any of your drives, This can lead to problems with memory compression in Windows 10, ultimately leading to 100% disk usage by the System and compressed memory process.  And restoring it back to the default setting will help you solve this problem. Here is how to do

click on windows 10 to start menu search and type performance. Now Click on the search result named Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows. This will open the performance options popup here move to advanced options – > click on change under virtual memory.

Automatically manage paging file size

Now In the Virtual Memory window, check the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” box. Click on OK.
Click on Apply and then on OK in the Performance Options window. This will ask to restart windows to take effect the changes you have made. Simply restart windows and check the problem is fixed. If Need more help to follow next instruction.

Stop or Disable the Superfetch service

Superfetch is a Windows service responsible for maintaining & improve Windows system performance. But sometimes it can be more damaging to a Windows computer than beneficial, And High disk usages by the System and Compressed Memory process is one of them. So for that Disabling the super fetch service worked for most users. To do this,

Press Win + R , type services.msc, and hit the enter key. This will open windows services now scroll down and look for the superfetch service. When you find right-click on it select properties. Here change the startup type Disable and stop the service by click on stop next to service status.

Disable superfetch

That’s all Click on Apply and click on OK. Also, do the same for the windows update service and Background Intelligence transfer service. Now Close the Services Window and Restart windows After that check problem is fixed.

Registry Tweak to fix system and compressed memory issues

If the above methods fail to fix Then tweak some registry changes can fix this system and compressed memory high disk usage on the windows Issue. Let’s follow how to do it.

( Note: windows registry is the important part of Running the windows operating system. So That before making any changes on the windows registry we strongly recommend first create a system restore point so that if anything goes wrong while making changes on the windows registry we can use the system restore feature to revert back to previous settings. )

First press Win + R on Run Type regedit.exe and press the enter key. This will open window registry windows. Now Navigate to the following :
 HKEY LOCAL MACHINE > SYSTEM > ControlSet001 > services\Ndu 

registry tweak to fix system and compressed memory issue

Click on NDU, Now in the right pane select Start, Right-click, and select Modify. Here change the value from 2 to 4.
Click OK. Exit registry editor. Restart your computer. After that checking system and compressed memory, the high disk usage problem gets solved.

The above three methods are mostly fixed systems and compressed memory high disk usage problems on windows 10 for almost every user. If you still facing the same problem after performing the above methods follow some extra tips below.

Repair Corrupted system files

Corrupted system files can cause a number of system issues, like show different error codes while running any applications, the system became unresponsive, freezes crashes, and may also system and compressed memory high disk usage is one of them. we suggest to Use windows inbuilt sfc utility to check and repair corrupt system files. To do this open command prompt as administrator and type sfc /scannow press enter key. wait until 100 % complete the scanning process. after that restart windows and check the problem is fixed. Read more: How to repair corrupt system files using SFC utility on windows 10.

Disable the System and compressed memory process altogether

Click on windows 10 start menu search, type Administrative Tools, and hit the enter key. Now on the administrative tools window look for Task Scheduler and double-click on it. Now Expand Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> MemoryDiagnostic.

Disable memory diagnostic task scheduler

In the right pane, locate and right-click on a task named RunFullMemoryDiagnosticEntry. Click on Disable in the contextual menu. Close the Task Scheduler and restart your computer. Check to see if the issue persists once your computer boots up.

Optimize Windows Visual Effects for Best Performance

Adjust visual effects for best performance also fixed System and Compressed Memory high CPU usage problem for most users. follow the below steps to Optimize Windows Visual Effects for Best Performance.

First Right-click on “This PC” and choose “Properties”. Now select “Advanced system settings” from the left panel. This will open the system properties popup here move to the advanced tab. Click on settings under the Performance section. Now select the radio button”Adjust for best performance option as shown below image. That’s all click on “Apply” and then the “OK” button.

Adjust for Best Performance

Again Close any remaining windows and restart the computer. When the computer boots up, check to see This issue is resolved.

Run Memory Diagnostic Tool

As we discussed system and compressed memory process help to compress the pagefile to store more pages on RAM, If any problem or error occurs on physical RAM This can also cause system and compressed memory to misbehave like high memory, CPU, or Hard disk usage. We recommend to once run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to check memory problems. Read How to Run Memory diagnostic tool.

These are some best working solutions to fix the system and compressed memory high disk usage, system, and compressed memory high memory usage or 100 % CPU usage problem on windows 10 computers. Have any query, suggestion feel free to comment below.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.