Soon After a recent windows 10 (version 21H1) upgrade, a number of users report being unable to connect to printers and scanners. As the same printer and scanner working properly on PC/Laptop installed windows 10 20H2 update, But after installing windows 10 May 2021 update System Cannot communicate with the scanner. For some others scanning process is stuck, scanner hangs (not responding).

scanner not working after Windows 10 upgrade

As users shared the following issue on Microsoft forum as : “Using the Canon software for Windows 10 (64bit) I press preview scan and the scanner runs through its cycle and produces a preview, I then press Scan, the scanner gets 28% of the way down the bed and stops. Scanner then hangs and it takes Task manager to end task before I can use it again.  This happens with both PCs using the appropriate software and also using the Windows Scan software in Windows 10 and the free version from the App store.”

There is a various reason that causes scanner stop working, but Incompatible Printer/scanner driver is the most common reason behind this problem. especially if the problem started after the windows 10 upgrade them there is a change may the driver corrupted or not compatible with the current Windows 10 version. Again printer & scanner USB not connected properly, scanner related service not running, corrupted system files also result “Cannot communicate with the scanner

Whatever the reason, here are some solutions you may apply to Fix Scanner Not Working “Cannot communicate with the scanner” applicable on Windows 10, 8.1, and 7 PC.

Fix Cannot communicate with the scanner

First of all, check the USB cable between the printer & scanner device and your PC is properly connected. Also, try to connect to a different USB Port on your system and check scanner is connected or not.
Restart your PC and Printer & scanner device, Also Temporarily Disable Security software ( Antivirus ) if installed, and check scanner is working.

Update Driver for the Scanner

As discussed Printer & scanner driver is the most common reason behind this problem “Cannot communicate with the scanner“. So first we recommend updating/reinstall the driver for the scanner or Printer & scanner.

Simply visit Printer & scanner device manufacturer’s website, download and save the latest available driver version for your printer and scanner.

Download Scanner Driver

Now open control panel, Programs & features ( press Windows + R, type appwiz.cpl and ok ). Here uninstall the current installed printer & scanner driver and restart windows. On the next login install the latest driver ( previously downloaded from the manufacturer website ) for your printer and scanner and check printer & scanner working properly. There is no more Error While performing the scanning tasks.

Check Windows Image Acquisition service

Press Windows + R, type services.msc, and ok to open windows services. Here look for Windows Image Acquisition service double click on it to get its properties. under the General tab, set the startup type as Automatic and start the service. Click Apply and OK to run it.

Note also Check Its Related services are on running state:

Remote procedure Call RPC
DCOM Server Process Luncher
RPC Endpoint Mapper
Shell Hardware Detection
Windows Image Acquisition ( WIA )

Then move to Log On tab, select the local system account and make sure Allow service to interact with the desktop is checked.

Allow service to interact with desktop

Next In the Recovery tab, choose to Restart the Service option from the First failure drop-down box lists. That’s all click apply and ok to make save changes and restart your system, On next login check scanner working properly.

Restart the Service on first failure

Repair Corrupted System Files

Also, run the System file checker utility to check and make sure faulty or corrupted system files not causing the issue.

Type cmd on start menu search,

From search results right click on the command prompt and select run as administrator.

Then type command sfc /scannow and hit the enter key to start the scanning process.

Run system file checker

This will start the scanning process for corrupted, missing system files if found any the SFC utility will restore them from a special folder located on ” %WinDir%\System32\dllcache

Wait until 100% complete the scanning process, after that restart windows, and check on the next login scanner working properly.

Note: If Sfc scan results Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files, but it was unable to fix them. Then run DISM command to repair the system image and allow SFC to do its job.

Did these solutions help to fix “Scanner Not Working, Cannot communicate with the scanner” on windows 10, 8.1, and 7 Computers? Let us know which option worked for you, Also Read This app is preventing shutdown Windows 10.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.