After installing the Recent update or Upgrade to Windows 10 update, users Report Clicking Not Responding ( the context menu doesn’t appear ) and Crashes file Explorer In Windows 10. In some cases right clicking on the mouse works erratically; sometimes responding and others just remain still. If performing right click crashes File Explorer And not responding in Windows 10 some solutions you may try to get rid of this “Right Click Not Responding and Crashes” problem.
Mostly Right Click Not Respond and Crashes In Windows 10 due To system file corruption which directly affects File Explorer functionality or a corrupted File Explorer app. Also, some third-party software, which might have blocked File Explorer, Due to the application of any policy setting (either on your standalone machine or from the domain, part of which your system is) that restricts File Explorer and the last one Virus and malware infection.
Post Contents :-
Fix Right Click Not Responding and Crashes
After understanding Why Right Click Not Responding and Crashes the file explorer on Windows, And the reason behind this issue here apply the bellow solutions below to get rid of this Error. Start with Basic Troubleshooting first restart the Explorer by following the steps below.
Restart Windows Explorer
To Restart Windows Explorer we need to End the currently running task on Task Manager. For this press Alt + Ctrl + Del and select Task Manager. Also, you can open Task manager by right-clicking on Taskbar and selecting Task Manager. Hereunder the process tab scrolls down and look for Windows Explorer, Right-click and select End Task.
Again click on File -> run new task -> type explorer.exe. and checkmark creates this task with administrative privileges. Now Check the problem is solved, If not follow the next solution.
Check Corrupted system files
As discussed before corrupted system files are the main reason behind this Right Click Not Responding and Crashes In Windows 10. Checking for Corrupted system files using inbuilt SFC Utility can help to fix and restore missing, corrupted system files on Windows 10.
For This, we need to open the command prompt as administrators. you can do this by simply typing cmd on start menu search, right-clicking on the command prompt from search results, and selecting run as administrator.
Note: Due to this right-click Crash issue if you are unable to open the command prompt, Or perform any task we recommend to Start windows into safe mode then, performing the steps.
Now on the Command prompt type sfc /scannow and hit enter key to execute the command.
This will start scanning windows for corrupted, missing system files If found any the SFC utility will restore them itself from a cache folder stored on the windows installation drive. You Can Read More About the windows SFC utility from Here. Now Wait until 100% complete the scanning process. Then after type the command bellow to clean up and repair windows OS.
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
You can read more about DISM restore health command with details. Again wait until 100% complete the process and Restart windows now check the problem is solved. This is the best and most working solution solved, Right Click Not Responding and Crashes Issue for a number of users. I hope This will also fix the problem for you.
Make sure the Latest updates installed
Microsoft pushes Day to day updates with new features and security improvements and bug fixes. So make sure Windows have installed recent updates properly. You can check and install the latest updates for your Windows computer by following below.
Click on Start menu -> Settings -> Update and security -> Check for updates.
Check for virus infection
Also As discussed before Virus and malware infection Can cause this Right-click Not responding and Crashes Windows file explorer. We strongly Recommend Download And installing an Antivirus / Anti-malware application with the latest updates installed. Then perform a full system scan for virus and malware infection. After complete, the scanning process simply restart Windows and check the problem is solved. if not follow the next step.
Remove Recent Third-party application
If the problem Started recent After Installing a third-party application, then the application incompatibility, the problem with the application or you may install a virus/malware with this application. Especially using Activators, Cracks, and Nulled files can cause this type of issue. We recommend removing the recent application, which after installing the problem started Right Click Not Responding and Crashes by following the steps below.
Open Control panel -> View by category -> Uninstall a program under programs -> Select and right-click the recently installed application, Then click on Uninstall/Remove.
Change display settings
Also Changing the Display Settings help, some Windows users fix Right Click Not Responding and Crashes In Windows 10. To change Display Settings Start button > Settings > System.
Here On the Display panel, change the size of your text to 100%, Don’t set it to 175%, 125% thought, 175% is reported to be the cause of this problem. Then after Check to see if you can access File Explorer now.
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