pfn list corrupt windows 10

Blue Screen Error happens whenever your computer is encountered with something it doesn’t know how to process. So it shuts itself down By showing an error code to prevent any damage. Blue screens are generally caused by problems with your computer’s hardware or issues with its hardware driver software. Also caused by hardware problems and issues with low-level software running in the Windows kernel. Blue Screen of death is the most annoying Error for windows users. The pfn list corrupts windows 10 BSOD Error, Fix PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen Errors (0x0000004E) or pfn_list_corrupt ntoskrnl.exe windows 10 Blue Screen is another Blue Screen of death. And this mostly occurs on windows 10 and 8.1 systems. And this Error may appear suddenly and restarts your pc.

The pfn list corrupts windows 10 BSOD,  pfn_list_corrupt ntoskrnl.exe windows 10 Blue Screen can cause whenever the page frame number(PFN) list becomes corrupted. The PFN is used by your hard drive to determine the location of each one of your files on the physical disk. In most cases, you will experience PFN_LIST_CORRUPT blue screen errors after you’ve installed new hardware or software. These pfn list corrupt windows 10 bsod can appear during program installation or any time.

This error is connected to the system32 folder in your hard drive

Cause of pfn list corrupt windows 10 Blue Screen Error  

  1.  Incorrectly configured, old, or corrupted device drivers.
  2.  corruption of windows registry from a recent software change ( install or uninstall)
  3.  Virus or malware infection.
  4.  Damaged Hard disk
  5.  Memory (RAM) corruption
  6.  Damaged Or corrupted system files.

Symptoms of This Error

When an individual experiences this error, they will encounter one of the following symptoms below:

  1. PFN_LIST_CORRUPT – Appears and crashes all applications.
  2. The PC will crash randomly while presenting the Error 0x4E error message.
  3. The performance of the operating system will become sluggish and delayed.
  4. The computer will freeze randomly, for a couple of seconds at a time.

 Fix pfn list corrupt windows 10 BSOD Error

Here We have some Troubleshooting tips To fix PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen Error. start from basic.

Uninstalling Extra Antivirus or Security Programs

Two antivirus applications running at the same time or any firewall installed on your PC may cause the error PFN_List_Corrupt, because of their tendency to attempt to access the same hard drive physical space, at the same time. Using a third party antivirus tool, along with Windows Defender, is known to cause this. So consider disabling or uninstalling one. I Hope, It will fix the problem.

Uninstall Any Recently Installed Application

If the error started to appear, immediately after you installed an application or install a new driver, then there is a chance that this new program could be causing the PFN list corruption. for this, you have to uninstall the program, then evaluating your system.

First, ensure you have administrative rights to make changes or uninstall any application.

Let’s follow the steps to Do this. First, open Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features. now select the recently installed Application and click uninstall.

Restart windows and check. if you still face Blue Screen Error follow the next step.

Update Device Drivers to fix Incorrectly configured, old, or corrupted device drivers

It may be due to outdated Drivers this blue screen appears, Try to update / Reinstall drivers on your system. This is usually the case when installing new devices on their computers. Ultimately, you’ll want to update all the drivers on your computer.

To do this Press Windows + R Key on Keyboard and type devmgmt.msc and click on ok.

This will open the device manager window.


Here you will show all installed devices with drivers, Right click and select properties. you will get options to Driver Details, Update Driver, Roll back Driver and uninstall option.
Try to update drivers or uninstall drivers. download the latest updated driver from the manufacturer site and install it.

Updating Windows & Drivers

It’s very important that your operating system is up-to-date, as these updates are created specifically for issues like this. Check for updates of windows and its drivers. Updating can work greatly. It fixes many bugs. So, You will have a good chance to get rid of PFN_LIST_CORRUPT.

Click the Windows Start button and open Settings. Now Click Update & security.

Click the Check for updates button and then install all updates found.

Repair corrupted Windows registry

Corrupted registries can create many problems including pfn list corrupt windows 10 BSOD in your PC. It also may make your PC slower. So, It is always good to delete or fix the corrupted or missing registries.

With scanning the registry and removing invalid entries related to the PFN_List_Corrupt error you can fix The Error. Find free tools Like Ccleaner to fix Corrupt registry and optimize system performance.

Check for Virus or malware infection

There is a chance that your computer is infected with a virus, which is causing the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error. These malicious little programs are capable of damaging, corrupting and deleting important system files. They are also capable of prohibiting certain applications and services from running, which could inadvertently be what is causing the error. Get latest updated Antivirus or antimalware and perform a full system scan. After complete scanning Restart windows and check for Error fixed or not. If still, the problem continues follow the next steps.

If the problem PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen is still not solved now follow the serious steps to fix this error.

Disable Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive was a part of the Windows Essentials suite for many years, but with the rising popularity of cloud storage, it became a default application on Windows 10. OneDrive is a great tool that allows you to collaborate and share files with others, but unfortunately, several users reported that OneDrive can also cause PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error. In order to fix this issue, you’ll have to disable OneDrive, and you can do that by following these steps: Open Registry edit windows, Once Registry Editor starts, you need to navigate to the following key in the left pane:

Once Registry Editor starts, you need to navigate to the following key in the left pane:

Expand the Windows key and search for the OneDrive key. If the key doesn’t exist create it.

Right-click the Windows key and choose New > Key. Enter OneDrive as the name of the key.
Select the OneDrive key. In the right pane, right click and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Enter DisableFileSyncNGSC as the name of the new DWORD.

Double click the DisableFileSyncNGSC and change its Value data to 1. Click OK to save changes.

Repair Damaged Or corrupted system files

If there is anything wrong with your system files, This problem may arise.  So we recommend you fix the corrupted system files to do this run sfc scan now command.
on start type cmd and run as administrator when command prompt window opens type :
 sfc /scannow

Run system file checker

This will scan your system for all its important system files, and replace them where necessary. wait until Verification is 100 % complete. After this Restart windows.
If corrupted system files are the reason behind this blue screen Error you didn’t face any error after this step.

Check Memory (RAM) corruption

If none of the methods help you, You can try to find out your memory problems. Because Corrupted RAM can cause this blue screen problem. To determine whether or not this is the case, you will first, need to test your RAM. This can be done, by running the Memory Diagnostic Tool 
Memory diagnostic tool

To do This On Start Type Memory Diagnostic Tool and select it you will got Windows Memory diagnostic Tool Screen, Here Select Restart Now And Check for problems ( Recommended)

This Will Restart your windows and check for Memory Errors.

Wait until complete, When complete the process restart windows. if this PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue screen is related to a Memory problem you will not face any Error After restart.

Check Your Hard Drive for Errors and bad sectors

If the problem persists, even after attempting all the above methods, then the problem could be due to a fault in your hard drive, bad sectors being the likely culprit. In order for you to determine whether or not you’re hard drive is damaged, you will need to scan it. Press shortcut key Win + X, and click on Command Prompt (Admin).
In the command prompt window, type chkdsk c: /f /r command and press Enter key. Tip: CHKDSK is the short of Check Disk, C: is the drive letter you want to check, /F means fix disk errors and /R stands for recover information from bad sectors.

Check disk utility

When it prompt “Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)”. Answer Yes to that question by pressing the Y key on your keyboard and press Enter. Restart your computer.

After restarting, the disk checking operation should start. Wait until Windows check your disk for errors.
Hope you will no longer face any pfn list corrupt windows 10 Blue screen Error After performing these Steps.

If you still Face The pfn list corrupt windows 10 Blue Screen Error Try To Restore your system to a specific Restore point when your system running good.

Check This Video: Steps Performed to Fix PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen Error on Windows 10

These are some best working solutions to fix pfn_list_corrupt windows 10 upgrade, pfn_list_corrupt ntoskrnl.exe windows 10 Blue Screen, Fix PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen Errors 0x0000004E permanently. Have Any Query, Suggestion please comment and also Let us know Which step is worded for you.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.