A number of windows users report that After Upgrade To Windows 10 update Thye “can’t see any text in explorer (no folder and file names), only icons are shown. And The same problem is with the old Control Panel.” However, the problem doesn’t seem to affect the Settings app or Start menu. If you Are also having the Same problem such As No Text displayed in explorer after Windows 10 update? Here are some Applicable Solutions To get rid of this No Text displayed in File Explorer problem on Windows 10.

How to Fix No Text Displayed in Explorer

There are different reasons behind this problem but the most common is the Missing, corrupted, or Damaged System Files which mostly cause this problem. Especially While windows 10 upgrade process If any system files get missing or damaged, corrupted this will results different problems include No Text displayed in File Explorer on Windows 10. Also, some users report Disable/ Uninstall comodo antivirus fix the issue for them. Again Some Third-party applications cause this problem. Let’s Apply the solutions below to get rid of this No Text displayed in File Explorer on Windows 10 V21H1.

Note: On the Same login, window Try to open the command prompt and perform Bellow steps. Is due To this Text invisible issue if you are unable to open the Command prompt? Then try to Boot into safe mode ( which start windows with minimum system resources and allow you to perform troubleshooting steps)  And perform Solutions Bellow.

Run System Files Checker

This is the first and most applicable solution to fix No Text displayed in File Explorer problem on windows 10. As discussed Before if corrupted missing system files causing this No Text displayed in the File explorer problem. Then Running System file checker utility is very helpful to restore / Repair missing or damaged system files.

To run the System file checker first open the Command prompt as administrator. Type cmd on start menu search, right-click on command prompt from search results and run as administrator. Then type command sfc /scannow and hit the enter key to execute the command.

Run system file checker

This will start the scanning process for missing, Corrupted or damaged system files on your Windows PC. If the SFC utility found any missing corrupted files, then the utility Restore them from a compressed folder located on %WinDir%\System32\dllcache. Wait until 100% complete the scanning process, After that Restart windows. Then check windows started normally.

Run DISM Command

Again If running System file checker utility Results windows resource protection found integrity violations details are included in the CBS log. Or windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. That cause you need to run the DISM ( Deployment Image Servicing and Management ) command, Which repairs the System image and Enable SFC utility To do its job

To Run DISM command Again you need to open the Command prompt as administrator. Then type the command below and hit the enter key to execute the command.

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

DISM restore health command

This DISM /Resotrehealth Command scans the Windows image for any corruption and to perform a repair automatically. Also, try to use Windows Update to replace the damaged files. This process takes a long time to complete. If the problem has also extended to the Windows Update components, then you’ll need to specify a source containing the known good files to repair the image.

Perform clean boot windows 10

A number of users report ( from Microsoft forums / Reddit ) Booting the PC up with safe mode and performing windows 10 clean boot solves the issue No Text displayed in explorer in windows 10. If any third party application Causing the issue at startup, block Windows fonts/texts. Then perform clean boot ( Disable Third-party applications at startup ) help to find out and resolves the issue.

  • Press Windows key + R, type msconfig, and hit the enter key.
  • This will System Configuration Window, Here Under General tab select the option Selective startup, then uncheck the Load startup items checkbox.

load selective Startup option

Next Go to the Services tab, From there, check Mark on Hide all Microsoft services. You will find it at the bottom of that window. Now, click on Disable all To Disable all third-party unnecessary services. click apply and ok to make save changes.

Open Task Manager and from Startup Tab disable All the Startup Applications, Close Taskmanager and Restart windows to Perform Clean boot. Check if there is no more problem with text and fonts then there is any third party application causing the issue. You need to enable the third party applications one by one and notice after enabling which application the problem starts. Uninstall or reinstall the application to resolve the issue. After identifying the problem Revert to a normal boot on Windows 10.

Uninstall the Comodo firewall

Many users affected by this issue confirm that uninstalling their firewall fixes this problem. It appears that there’s currently an incompatibility between Windows 10 May 2021 update and Comodo. So From the control panel uninstalls or update Comodo Firewall If you have Comodo Firewall.

Also, Sometimes AMD display drivers cause this problem. We recommend to open Device manager -> expend Display driver -> right click on installed display driver and select uninstall. After That Restart windows and check the problem is solved. If yes then you need to re-install or upgrade the display driver to permanently fix the issue.

Also, some users report after Disable Superfectch service No Text displayed in explorer problem resolved for them. You can also make a try, open windows services by press Win + R, type services.msc, and hit the enter key. Then scroll down and look for superfectas service, double-click on it change the startup type disable and stop the service. Do the same with BITS service and Restart windows to check the problem is solved.

Roll Back Windows 10 to the previous Version

If all the above solutions failed to fix the problem, then try to roll back windows to previous version. There may be a bug causing the issue for you, so And wait until the next patch update from Microsoft.

These are some most applicable solutions to fix No Text displayed in explorer after Windows 10 May 2021 update. Also, Read

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.