Getting Error Windows 10 security Updates failed to install? Windows 10 Update failed with error like Microsoft cannot install important security updates on your PC error code: 0x80072ee7 0x8007001f, or 0x80070652. And sometimes the error would be like windows 10 security update won’t install 80240020.
Microsoft Regularly rollout Security updates with Security improvements and Bug fixes to patch the security hole created by third-party applications. Also with Windows 10, Microsoft made it mandatory to download and install the latest Windows updates Automatically. But some of Windows 10 users report having an issue where Windows 10 is constantly trying to update so that it can download the new security update. But what happens is that the update or Windows installation says it failed.
It would say
“Something went wrong
Microsoft can’t install important security updates on your PC.
Please contact Microsoft Support for help with this error.Please provide the support representative with this error code: 0x8007001f“
Post Contents :-
Fix Microsoft cannot install important security updates
If you are also having problems like Microsoft can’t install important security updates on your pc 0x80070652, Microsoft cannot install important security updates Windows 10, Windows 10 security update won’t install etc while download and installing Windows updates Here some applicable solutions to fix this.
First, make sure you have a stable internet connection To download Windows updates from the Microsoft server. Also, Run a Third-party system optimizer like Ccleaner to clean up Disk space by removing temp, system error, and memory dump files, And fix broken registry error. Run System File Checker utility to make sure any corrupted system files not causing the issue.
Also check Date and Time are correct on your system Because of sometimes incorrect Time zone cause update installation fails. You can check and correct date and time on your system from settings -> Time & Language -> date & time.
Sometimes Slight interruptions in communications between the computer being updated and the Windows update servers is one of the many possible reasons why this issue is happening. Usually, closing Windows Update and wait for 10 to 15 minutes then launch the Windows Update again resolves this issue.
Run Windows update Troubleshooter
Whenever you face any Windows update related problems, We first recommend to Run the official Windows update troubleshooter and let Windows to check and fix the problem itself.
To run Windows update Troubleshooter open Windows Settings -> Go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot. Then select Windows update and Run The Troubleshooter. Or you can download and run the official Windows Update Diagnostic.
The troubleshooter will run and attempt to identify if any problems exist which prevent your computer from downloading and installing security updates on your pc. After complete, the process Restart Windows and again manually Check for Updates.
Performa Clean Boot
Also, Try to perform Clean Boot And Check for updates. If any third-party service or startup application cause issue to install the updates then perform Clean boot And Try To check for updates. This is also A most applicable solution to fix Microsoft can’t install important security updates on your pc.
Obtain DNS Server address automatically
If Running Windows Update troubleshooting tool fails to fix and Issue still persists then try to Set Obtain DNS Server address automatically in network configuration settings by following steps below.
Press Windows + R key, type ncpa.cpl and hit the enter key. This will open Network Connections, Here right-click on Local Area Connection, and select Properties. Then Click Internet Protocol TCP/IP, then click Properties. And Click on the Radio button Obtain DNS Server address automatically. That’s all Click OK then Click Close on “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” properties box. Restart windows and on next start perform the windows update.
Fix Windows update problems Using Automatic Reset Script
After applying above solutions still getting problems while installing Windows updates? Try to Run the Automatic Reset Script Suggested by askvg. Which Reset the Windows update components to its Default setup. Rename the Software Distribution and Catroot folder where Windows download the update files. To fix if any corrupted buggy update files causing the issue.
Simply open Notepad and paste the following code.
@ECHO OFF echo Simple Script to Reset / Clear Windows Update echo. PAUSE echo. attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2 attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2\*.* net stop wuauserv net stop CryptSvc net stop BITS ren %windir%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.old ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution sold.old ren "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\application data\Microsoft\Network\downloader" downloader.old net Start BITS net start CryptSvc net start wuauserv echo. echo Task completed successfully... echo. PAUSE
Now save the file with the name “WUReset.bat” (including quotes).
Or you can download the ready-made batch script using the following link:
Download Windows Update Reset Script
Now Right-click on the WUReset.bat file and select “Run as Administrator” option. It’ll take a few seconds in executing the commands. That’s it now Close command prompt, Restart windows to take effect the changes. On next start check for Windows update hope this time you didn’t face any update installation errors.
Also, You can manually install any Updates that are stuck and cannot be ignored while they sort themselves out:
These are some most applicable solutions to fix Microsoft cannot install important security updates on your pc. Or Windows 10 cannot install security updates, Microsoft can’t install important security updates on your pc 0x80070652, 0x80072ee7 0x8007001f, or 0x80070652. I hope Applying these solutions fix Windows 10 Microsoft can’t install important security updates on your pc 0x8007001f. Have any queries, suggestion feel free to discuss on the comments below. Also, Read Fix: No Text displayed in explorer after Windows 10 update.