memory management error windows 10

Windows Frequently Restart with Memory_Management Error Stop Code 0x0000001A At Startup? Due to This unable To Access windows To perform Troubleshooting Steps to Fix this issue? Here We have Some most Working Solutions To Fix  Memory Management BSOD Error on Windows 10.

Basically, When Windows detects a malfunction in the system memory or drivers, it crashes itself and displays this BSOD error message. Usually, memory management blue screen is caused by hardware issues or malfunctioned, outdated, corrupted Device drivers. Especially While windows 10 Upgrade process if device drivers, System files get corrupted this may cause Memory Management Error.

Memory Management Error

The most common solution for the memory_management error windows 10 problem is to restart your computer simply. After the restart, you shouldn’t get a memory management error windows 10 install message anymore. And Fallow Bellow Steps To Avoid The Feature problem. So, before you try anything else, just restart your computer and see if the issue is fixed or not.

If Windows Failed To Start due to Memory Management Error

If Windows Started normally then you may need access advanced option to perform startup repair or boot int safe mode. Here on Advanced options Click on Startup Repair to fix startup problems which cause issues windows Start normally.

Startup Repair will scan your system and analyze the various settings, configuration options, and system files as it looks for corrupt files or botched configuration settings. Also, repair  Missing/corrupt/incompatible drivers and system files. After complete the Repair process windows Automatically Restart and start normally.

Boot Into Safe mode

If After performs Startup Repair Still unable to access normal windows, Then We Need to Boot into Safe mode, Where windows Start with minimal System Requirements. (Safe mode is A Windows Diagnostic Mode, Where  we can perform Various Troubleshooting Steps to Fix different Windows problems) So that we can Access Windows Desktop to Perform Bellow troubleshooting Steps To fix memory management blue screen error.

Fix Memory Management Error

I hope After Perform Startup Repair or Try To Boot into Safe mode You are able to Access your Windows Desktop. Now Perform Bellow Troubleshooting Steps To Fix Memory Management Error or Avoid Feature Blue Screen Errors.

Run System File Checker

While Windows Upgrade Process, There is a chance that the system files missing or get corrupted which Cause Different Startup Problems to include Memory Management Blue screen Errors. So first Run The System File Checker Tool to make Sure Corrupted System Files not causing This issue.

  • Open command prompt As administrator.
  • Type sfc /scannow And hit Enter key to execute the command.
  • This Will Start the scanning process for Corrupted, Missing system files,
  • If found Any the Utility Will Restore them from a special folder located on %WinDir%\System32\dllcache.
  • Wait until 100% Complete the Scanning process.

Run system file checker

Note: If system file checker Results Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Then Run DISM command  ( which allows SFC utility To do its job ) bellow after that again Run System file checker Utility.

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool

As the BSOD Error name suggests, the memory management error relates to the computer’s memory and that can be a physical problem with the RAM installed, too. Windows’ own Memory Diagnostic Tool can help discover if this is the root of the problem. Let’s Run This Tool by Following the below steps :

  • Click on Start menu Search Type ‘Windows Diagnostic Tool’
  • Select ‘Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool From Search Results.
  • The windows memory Diagnostic Tool Will open As shown below image.

Memory diagnostic tool

  • Here you have Two options If you choose to restart your computer and run the tool immediately,
  • make sure that you save your work and close all of your running programs.
  • Or Click check problems on the next Reboot,
  • The Memory Diagnostics Tool will run automatically when you restart Windows.

Memory Diagnostic Test

  • Let your computer restart, and on the next startup,
  • the tool will report if something’s wrong with your RAM memory.
  •  If there is, then you’ll have to either replace the RAM yourself or send back your computer if it’s under warranty

Remove recently installed software

If you Notice The problem Started After recently installed a new software application on your computer, then try uninstalling it. Go to Start > type Control Panel > select the program(s) recently added > click Uninstall. Then restart your computer, and see if the issue has been solved.

Update Device Driver

As discussed incompatible, outdated drivers, installed in the System can cause Memory Management errors on Windows 10. The best solution is to find the faulty or outdated drivers, Then update and fix them.

  • Visit the Device manufacturer Website and download the latest available driver for your system.
  • ESpecially Display Driver, Network Adapter, and Audio Driver
  • Then open Device Manager by press win + R, Type Devmgmt.msc, and hit the enter key.

update wifi adapter driver software

  • Find out any Driver with a yellow Tingle mark (If there then the driver may be corrupted) Right Click on it and update.
  • If failed to update then Simply right-click and select uninstall,
  • Then after installing the latest driver which you downloaded previously from the manufacturer’s website.
  • After that Restart windows and check there is no more Memory Management Blue Screen error.

Optimize System and Fix Registry Errors

Also Run Third-party utilities like Ccleaner to Clear Junk, Cache, Cookies, System error files which free up Disk space which optimizes system performance. Also, you Can Fix the Registry errors that may cause Different Blue screens on the windows system.

Above Are some Most Working Solutions To fix Windows 10 Blue Screen, MEMORY MANAGEMENT Error Stop Code 0x0000001A. I hope after applying These solutions memory Management blue Screen Problem Get solved for you. While apply these solutions face any difficulty, Have any queries or suggestions About this post feel free to discuss on Comments Bellow. Also, Read

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.