Sometimes you may notice While Turn on Windows computer / Laptop windows 10 stuck on repairing disk errors, This might take over an hour to complete or Windows Stuck on Startup repair, Automatic Repair for hours. This mostly occurs if previously windows didn’t shut down properly or Windows 10 computer, Laptop Shutdown unexpectedly due to an interrupted power supply or some other reason. Hard disk Error, Bed sector on HDD is the main reason for this windows 10 is stuck on repairing disk errors. Also corrupted Master boot record file ( MBR ), Windows system files Cause Windows Stuck on startup repair, automatic repair. If you are suffering from this startup error windows 10 is stuck on repairing disk errors here we have some working solutions to get rid of this.
Usually, Windows starts automatic repair when it fails to boot twice consecutively. And sometimes an error occurs during the repair process making it unable to proceed further and so it gets stuck in a loop. If your PC has entered this state, you obviously cannot access the bootloader settings, which are responsible for starting the repair process. To change it, you need to boot from a bootable media with the appropriate operating system you have installed.
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Windows 10 Stuck on Repairing Disk Errors
After understanding what is this repairing disk error, Startup repair and why this occurs on windows 10 computers on startup? Let’s apply bellow solutions below to get rid of this. Due To this issue, you are unable to Boot normally, and windows are stuck in a repairing state. We need to Access Advanced Boot options, Where we can get a number of Troubleshooting tools like Startup Repair, system restores to revert back to previous working state, Advanced Command prompt, Safe mode, etc.
For this, you need to boot from Windows installation media. If you have an installation DVD with Windows 10, you can use it otherwise you can Create an installation DVD / Bootable USB using the windows media creation Tool.
When you are ready for Installation media insert it into the DVD drive or attach Bootable USB to the USB port. Plug your Windows 10 installation media into your computer with the stuck screen. Then shut down your computer and boot it via your Windows 10 installation media.
If you don’t know How To boot From Installation media
Simply insert your installation media to the computer DVD or USB port then Restart windows. While bootup When the manufacturer’s logo pops up, keep pressing the Del key ( it depend on your manufacturer which key access the BISO setup, you can check with F2, F12, or Esc key )To access boot options.
Move to boot Tab using right arrow key here change the first boot option CD-DVD Rom Drive ( if you are using Bootable USB then set first boot as Removable Devices) then press F10 key to save the changes, This will restart windows. When a black screen with a “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” message pops up, press any key you like.
Next Select the correct time and keyboard type And click Next to go on. Here click on repair your computer as shown below image.
Next Choose Troubleshoot > Advanced option > Command prompt.
You will now enter the Windows Recovery Environment. The command prompt will appear. Type the following command:
You will see a list of boot options with its {GUID} identifiers. Look for the one containing the line resumeobject.
Note or copy the identifier which contains the resume object item and type the following command And hit enter to execute the command.
bcdedit /set {GUID} recoveryenabled No
Note: In the above command, substitute {GUID} by the identifier you copied earlier.
This will you just disabled the automatic recovery feature for the installed operating system.
Repair Disk Errors
After Disable the automatic recovery Feature Now Check Disk Drive for Errors and Fix Bed Sectors Using the disk check utility. You can perform Disk Check Either By Access Advanced Boot -> Command prompt or you can boot Windows into safe mode Then click on start menu search type cmd select and right-click on Command prompt from search results and select run as administrator.
Now Type the following command and hit the enter key to execute the command
chkdsk c: /r /f
The command Chkdsk stands for Check disk Errors, C: is the Drive letter, /r for Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information, and /f Fixes errors on the disk
This will check your Disk Drive, Bed Sectors, and file system for errors. If found anything this will try to repair itself, It can take a notable amount of time, so be patient. After 100% complete the scanning process chkdsk reports that it has finished, you can reboot your PC and try to start Windows normally and It should work as expected.
Repair Corrupted system files
As discussed before bootloader settings, Disk Drive Error and Corrupted System files are the main reason for this Startup repair stuck, windows 10 is stuck on repairing disk errors. After disabling the automatic recovery feature and Check Disk Drive for Errors, Bed sectors still windows stuck on startup repair then checking corrupted system files using windows sfc utility is a very helpful solution.
To Run the windows SFC utility again you need to open the command prompt as administrator. You can do this Either through advanced Boot options -> command prompt or you can boot into safe mode and open the command prompt as administrator. After that type command below and hit enter key to execute the command.
sfc /scannow
This will start scanning windows for corrupted system files if found anything this will fix and restore from a special cache folder located on the System drive. Wait until 100% complete the scanning process then after close command prompt and restart windows. Hope This time windows Start normally without any startup Error.
These are some best working solutions to fix windows 10 stuck on repairing disk errors, This might take over an hour to complete or Windows Stuck on Startup repair, Automatic Repair for hours. I hope after applying these solutions your problem windows 10 stuck on repairing disk errors, Automatic Repair, etc will get fixed. Still have any queries, suggestions about this post Feel free to discuss in the comments below.
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