windows 10

Windows 10 is the best operating system compared to previous windows so far. It comes with Better Security, Very good speed and outstanding Features And much more. Microsoft also pushes updates Regularly with new features improvements and bug fixes To Fix new issues like system compatibility, any feature not working properly on the specific computer, etc. Also, Microsoft Recently Release free Windows 10 fall creators update with lots of new features, improvements. But some of the users Report After installing Recent updates and upgrade to windows 10 Fall Creators update they face problems like windows 10 not responding after the update, windows 10 not responding after login or crashes, And freezes for a long time at startup. Also, some of the users getting Blue Screen errors, unable to get the display.

As the problem starts after the Recent windows 10 upgrade and recent update installation. The main reason behind this problem is updating is not installed properly, the recent update is not compatible with your current system. Also installed drivers are not compatible with the current Windows 10 version, (an incompatibility of hardware and drivers because initially, they were designed to run on your original windows before upgrading, and after the upgrade, they transited permanently into Windows 10 ). And may system files got corrupted, damaged. Some of the users report after installing specific applications they get windows 10 not responding problem. This cause also maybe this application is not compatible with current windows version or may you installed a virus malware with this application. most of the time using the activator, cracks, and pirated software may cause this windows 10 not responding problem.

How to Fix Windows 10 not responding problem

So If you are also suffering from this windows 10 not responding to crashes, freezes at startup problems, and looking for the solution to fix this. Here follow the steps to fix windows 10 not responding problem and optimize Windows 10 performance for fast boot and running smoother.

Make sure Updates Installed properly

As before discuss if the problem starts after installing recent updates, or upgrade to windows 10. Make sure all updates are installed. Or you can check for available updates from : Start -> Settings -> Update & Security -> And click on Check for updates bellow Update status.

This will check for available updates then after Simply Restart the windows and check. If updates are the cause for this problem then you no more face windows 10 not responding problem. Still getting problem fallow next step.

Repair Corrupt System Files

Most of the time Corrupt system files cause a number of problems to the windows 10 systems like blue screen error, the system not responding, apps not open, show different error codes while open explorer or any application. And may this windows 10 not responding problem occur due to corrupt system files. We recommend checking your system files using the windows system file checker tool.

System file checker is a windows utility that will scan all protected system files for corruption. And it attempts to repair it by copying a cached copy of each corrupted file from the %WinDir% \system32\dllcache folder. And for a better result, we recommend to Start Windows 10 into safe mode and perform SFC scannow command to repair corrupt system files.

Disable Startup programs and Services

Sometimes startup programs and services can also cause windows 10 not to respond at startup. We recommend to Disable some Startup programs and services which are unnecessary start and take resources at startup and make windows slow boot. Check How to Disable Startup programs on windows 10, 8.1 and 7.

Disable Unnecessary Startup Services

This is the most working step I found and most of the windows users report disable startup services increase startup time 10 times better. For me also after disabling startup services (especially: Windows update service, BIT service, and superfetch ).  Here follow below to disable and set manual startup for this services.

First press Win + R on Run window Type services.msc and hit the enter key. This will open windows services now scroll down and look for the service windows update. Right-click on it and select properties.

disable windows update service

Now Change the startup type to disable and click on stop bellow service status to stop the running service. Do the same with Background intelligent transfer service and superfetch service. After that simply Restart the windows and check hope this step will work for you.

Disable background apps

Microsoft is a big fan of its native universal apps, which might be why it allows them to run in the background even when you haven’t actually launched them. That means you can access their features more quickly, but it’s a waste of system resources. And when most of the system resources are used by background apps then also system may cause windows 10 not responding problem.

We recommend to if you don’t use these apps on a regular basis. To modify the software running in the background, go to Settings from the Start menu then click Privacy and Background apps. Turn off the toggle switches next to the apps you don’t want to have running all the time. Of course, you can still launch these programs manually if you need them.

Disable programs in the background

Increase Virtual Memory

Memory also plays a very important role in your system performance. When your system runs out of memory you may also get the system crash, hang not responding problem. We recommend to Adjust virtual memory on your system to fix low memory and system hanging issues.  Some users also report Virtual Memory is supposed to act as a savior where the physical memory (RAM) runs out when running resource-intensive programs.
Virtual Memory combines the RAM with TEMP Storage on your Hard Disk. Many users have reported that Windows 10 not responding freezing issue was fixed by increasing the Virtual Memory. You can increase Virtual Memory by following bellow steps.
Press the Windows Key and Press R. Type sysdm.cpl and Click OK. Then click Advanced -> Settings -> Advanced -> Changed. Uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drives, and choose Custom Size. Set Initial Size and Maximum Size.

Read how to Adjust virtual memory on windows 10, 8.1 and 7 Computers.

How To Calculate pagefile size

To Calculate the pagefile size always Initial size is one and a half (1.5) x the amount of total system memory. The maximum size is three (3) x the initial size. So let’s say you have 4 GB (1 GB = 1,024 MB x 4 = 4,096 MB) of memory. The initial size would be 1.5 x 4,096 = 6,144 MB and the maximum size would be 3 x 4,096 = 12,207 MB.

After Make changes Then Click OK and Reboot the PC.

Update Installed Device Driver

After Upgrade to Windows 10 fall creators update, Some of your programs and drivers may work without issues, but some may just become incompatible of which the most common one affected is the Video/Graphics driver. There are other causes as well aside from Video/Graphics drivers but this is the most common one. We recommend checking and install the latest driver software for your current windows version.

To Update the device driver Right-click on Windows 10 Start menu and select device manager. Here on the middle pane expand Display adapters, Now select and right click on your installed display driver select update.

Update display driver

Choose Update driver software -> Search automatically for updated driver software -> And proceed with the instructions on the screen. If the driver is found and updated, reboot PC and then test for a while to see if it still hangs or freezes, If it does then go to the manufacturer’s site, and download the latest available drivers from there and install them, reboot, and check. Once you’ve updated the graphics driver and the issue persists, update the audio driver, Network Adapter driver in the same way and check.

Uninstall Recently installed applications include Antivirus

If Windows 10 does not respond the problem started after recently install an application. Then may this is not compatible with your current version of windows. Also, Microsoft has reported that having an outdated antivirus installed can cause different windows 10 problems. Microsoft also suggests uninstalling the software and then installing the newer version. We recommend to Uninstall the recently installed application and check.

To Uninstall any application click on start menu search and type uninstall and select the programs and features. Here select the application and click uninstall.

After that restart windows and check windows 10 not responding problem solved.
If the above options still do not fix your problem you can perform the system restore to revert back your system to the previous working state. where windows working without any problems.
Also, you can access advanced boot options windows 10 To Fix Startup problems or Go back to the previous version.

These are some best working solutions to fix windows 10 not responding after the update, windows 10 not responding after login, windows 10 not responding after startup, continuously crashes, freezes, and takes a long time to log in. Have any query suggestion feel free to comment below.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.