Did You Notice After Recent Windows 10 ay 2021 Upgrade WiFi/Ethernet connected but There is no internet connection on the laptop or computer keeps Disconnecting internet connection? Doing a System Restart work normally for flew minutes again Windows 10 Disconnect Internet Connection. This is ( Windows 10 Frequently Disconnect Internet Connection ) mostly because the Installed WiFi/Ethernet Driver is incompatible with the current windows version. Or the Driver became outdated, Corrupted, and not working properly.
Again sometimes Missing or corruption of Windows Socket API (winsock) inside the Windows registry. Or a registry key related to winsock might get corrupted due to some viruses. Cause Windows 10 Frequently Disconnect Internet Connection issue. And Most of the time, WiFi says connected but no internet connection on the laptop, and the internet keeps dropping from time to time. If you are also suffering from this problem, Here are some applicable solutions to fix it:

WiFi connection connects and Disconnect frequently.
Internet just keeps dropping and then connecting back on again
Fix Windows 10 Frequently Disconnect Internet Connection After Recent upgrade
What to do when WiFi says connected but my laptop has no internet access?
How to fix laptop connected to WiFi but no internet access Windows 10?
Why does my internet keep disconnecting and reconnecting on Windows 10 PC?

Windows 10 Frequently losing internet connection is a very common issue that is faced by the number of Windows computer users. Especially after recent Windows 10 Upgrade users report Wifi Frequently Disconnects. And it doesn’t matter which version of Windows 10 you are using.  If you are also one of those Windows users whose computer keeps losing internet connection. Here are some applicable solutions to fix this.

Note:: Bellow Solutions are applicable to Fix Both WiFi and Ethernet connection Drop problems. 

Run The Network Troubleshooter

Windows 10 Has a built-in Network Adapter troubleshooter And Running this tool scan and fixes basic Network and internet connection Related problems themselves. So before performing any troubleshooting steps, we recommend To run the Network troubleshooter and let windows fix the problem for you.

You Can Run the Tool From Settings -> Update & Security -> Troubleshoot. Then scroll down, under Find And fix other problems click on Network Adapter, and click on Run the Troubleshooter.

Then follow on-screen instructions and let the troubleshooter Check and fix the problems automatically for you. After That Restart windows to take a fresh restart and check Network & Internet connection working properly.

Update Network Adapter Drivers in Windows 10

If Running Network Adapter Troubleshooter Still having the same is then Need to perform some manual troubleshooting to fix this issue. As discussed before corrupted, Incompatible Network Adapter driver mostly causes this ( Internet connection Frequently disconnects ) problem. So First try to Update, Rollback or Re-install the Network Adapter driver by following steps.

Note: Note If after the Recent Driver update the problem started then Try the Rollback driver option, Which reverts the current Driver to the previously installed version. Which Help To resolve the issue Also, Try to Update the Network Adapter Driver And re-install the Network adapter driver.

Roll Back Driver

If you Notice After the Recent Network Driver update the problem started then Perform Roll Back Driver option is very helpful. Which revert the current driver to the previously installed version. To Rollback Driver Simply Open Device Manager by right click on windows 10 start menu ( or you can press win + R, type devmgmg.msc hit enter key ) and select the Device manager option. This will display all installed driver list, Simply expand Network adapters and double click on the installed Ethernet / WiFi Adapter Driver. Move To driver tab you will be get the option Rollback driver, click on it. Select any reason when ask why you roll back the driver and follow on-screen instructions. After That Restart windows and check Network / Internet connection working properly without drop / Disconnecting.

Note : Roll Back Driver option is only applicable if the problem started after a recent driver update.

Roll Back Driver option

Update Network Adapter Driver

If the Windows 10 network drivers installed on your computer are outdated then it is possible that you keep losing internet connection on Windows 10 PC. To solve this inconvenient internet issue, you need to update the network adapter driver.

To update the Network adapter driver open Device manager by press Win + R, type devmgmt.msc and hit enter. Then expend Network adapter, Right-click on the installed network adapter and select update driver. select option Search Automatically for updated driver software and follow on-screen instructions. This will check for the latest available network adapter Driver, If found any this will download and install it for you. After that restart windows and check Network And Internet frequently Disconnect Problem get fixed.

Update network driver

Re-Install Network Adapter Driver

If after perform Rollback or Update network adapter Driver still having problems. Internet keeps disconnecting and reconnecting on Windows 10 PC. Then try to Reinstall The Network Adapter Driver by following below.

First, you need to download the Windows 10 network adapter drivers from your computer manufacturer’s website. You can follow these links:

After downloading the required network drivers, open Device Manager by typing device manager in the Windows 10 Search bar and then clicking OK. Expand the Network Adapters section and right-click on the network adapter which you are using on your computer then select uninstall Device.

uninstall Network adapter driver

Now Restart the computer, On next start windows automatically search and install the latest available Network driver. If Not installed then open Device manager -> Action -> scan for hardware Changes.

Again Right click on new installed Device driver -> Update driver software. Then Select option Browse my computer for driver software option and you have to browse the drivers which you have downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. Once you have located the drivers, click on Next button to proceed.  After updating the network drivers, restart your Windows 10 computer and then connect to WiFi network. Check Updating network adapter drivers should solve the Windows 10 losing internet connection problem.

In case, you are still not able to fix the issue WiFi connected but no internet connection on laptop or desktop computer even after updating the network drivers then follow next steps.

 Reset TCP/IP and Winsock in Windows 10

If after update the network Driver still having the same issue ( WiFi says connected to the internet but no internet connection on laptop or desktop computer). Then you can reset the Windows Socket API. Along with that, you have to reset both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols on your computer as well.

First open Command prompt as administrator, Then perform command bellow one by and one and hit enter key to execute the command.

netsh winsock reset catalog
netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log
netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log

winsock reset

After all commands are executed successfully, now Restart windows to take changes effective. On the next login check connect to your Wi-Fi network. This time, you will be able to surf the internet properly without facing Windows 10 losing internet connection issues.

Reset Network Configuration

If the problem still exists, You can reset your connection settings by using some commands. It is very useful to troubleshoot any internet connectivity problems. Again open the command prompt as administrator and perform the command below one by one, hit enter key to execute the command.

netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns

Now, Check, If it helps to fix windows keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi.

Check Power Management Issues

Some users suggested, it is quite possible that your computer is automatically turning OFF its WiFi Adapter in order to conserve power. Since this power-saving feature appears to be interfering with your WiFi Network, you are quite justified in Turning OFF this feature.

First Press Windows Key + R, then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter. Expand Network adapters then right-click on your installed network adapter and select Properties. Then navigate to Power Management Tab and  uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.“ Click ok, Apply and close Device manager.

uncheck Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power

Again open Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Power Options -> change plan setting -> Change Advanced plan setting Expand Wireless Adapter Settings, then again expand Power Saving Mode. Next, you will see two modes, ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in.’ Change both of them to Maximum Performance.

select Maximum Performance

Click Apply followed by OK. Reboot your Windows to save changes. This would help to resolve the Internet / WiFi keeps disconnecting issue.

These are some most applicable solutions to fix Windows 10 Frequently Disconnect Internet Connection. Or WiFi connection connects and Disconnect frequently, the Internet just keeps dropping and then connecting back on again etc on windows 10 computer. I hope to apply the above steps to resolve the Internet Disconnect and reconnect issue. Face any difficulty while apply above steps or have any queries, suggestions about this post feel free to discuss on comments below. Also, Read Fix Computer Sound Volume Too Low in Windows 10/8.1 and 7

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.