DirectX is a crucial component of Windows 10, required by many multimedia applications. Without direct files, all the multimedia applications get unable to execute properly. Windows users notice after you recently upgraded to Windows 10 Windows is giving you an error that Directx is no longer present on your system. The Windows 10 directx errors very irritating situation, it interrupts the execution of many applications and Windows services.
Microsoft Windows 10 DirectX, also simply known as DirectX is a set of APIs used in the development and programming of video games on Microsoft operating systems.
Reason Behind windows 10 Directx Error
Windows 10 comes with Directx 12 although there are no titles right now. But games do still run on Direct10 which is compatible with Windows 10. So all you have to do is install the Directx runtime and install all the updates old and new and fix the issue for Apps and Games to run as they should.
Quick Fix
Go to your Video Card or Graphics card manufacturer if you are a Gamer and update to the latest version of your graphics driver that windows 10 compatible manually for the best experience with games.

Fix Windows 10 DirectX
If you are also suffering from Direct X Error while playing heavy Graphic games or running heavy load software like 3D Max, photoshop. And looking for a solution to fix the Direct X error on windows 10 Here fallow below.
Run Hardware & Device troubleshooter
This is a pretty simple solution, and it will automatically check if your new hardware is installed properly.
first, move to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Troubleshooting select View All on the left side panel. This will list of Troubleshooting tools for your windows computer. Here Click on Hardware and Device, Click Next, and follow the instructions to run the troubleshooter.
Wait flew a moment to complete the troubleshooting process. After complete the troubleshooting restarts the windows check problem is solved.
Download Visual C++ Redistributables
Few users reported that installing Visual C++ Redistributables has fixed DirectX errors. Users recommend downloading and installing this package. If that package doesn’t work the list of all Visual C++ Redistributables can be found
here.Update your graphic card driver
Press Win + R In the Run prompt, enter devmgmt.msc, and then press the OK button. The Device Manager window will appear. In Device Manager, you need to find Display adapters and click them to expand them. Find your display driver from the list, it should be the only one available, and right-click the display driver and then click
Update Driver Software. Next screen Select Search Automatically for Updated Driver Software.
The installation process should do the rest automatically.
Reinstall graphic card drivers
Open the Device Manager by right click on this pc select manage on computer management windows.
Select device manager, Go to the Display Adapters section, and find your graphic card driver. After it right click on the driver and selects Uninstall.
Check on the Remove the driver software for this device and click OK.
Restart Windows after restart open the graphic card manufacturer’s website and download the latest drivers for your graphic card. Install the downloaded drivers.
Run sfc /scannow:
This command is to verify the System Files, via this command you can replace a missing or damaged copy of the DLLfile (Only if this DLL file is provided by Microsoft). Read
How To Run SFC utility to Repair missing Dll file on windows 10.
Replace corrupt or missing .dll files
Some time Replace .dll file may fix your direct x problem. You can also fix DirectX errors on Windows 10 simply by downloading the missing .dll files and moving them to WindowsSystem32 (for 32-bit versions of Windows 10) or to WindowsSysWOW64 (for 64-bit versions of Windows 10) folder. This solution might not be the safest if you download these missing files from the internet, so keep that in mind. Alternatively, you can copy the missing .dll files from another computer that you use.
You can take the help of a professional DLL error Repair tool, this app will make you able to deal with all types of DLL error with ease.
Perform A System Restore :
If you are getting the DLLerror just after doing any change to an important file or configuration then
restoring System could fix this issue with ease. see How To Perform A System Restore on Windows 10.
These are some best working solutions to fix windows 10 directx Errors permanently. Have any query suggestion feel free to comment below.