While Install any Application getting warning This App Has Been Blocked For Your Protection in Windows 10. Let’s first understand the problem. With Windows 10, Microsoft Corporation has introduced an array of new security features. Which are meant to keep the OS and user files safe from any sort of intrusion? However, some of these security systems sometimes overstep their bounds. This can include interfering in the execution of programs. Which shouldn’t necessarily be flagged and disallowing them to run. For security concerns, when users install apps from unknown publishers in Windows 10, they won’t be able to proceed ahead. windows block the app installation with Error like.
“This App Has Been Blocked For Your Protection” and some more information “An administrator has blocked you from running this app. For more information, contact the administrator”.
The error occurs when you’re trying to install software or any setup.exe or some .exe applications. This is because Windows 10 immediately blocks the installation of those apps, which it believes could harm your machine. So until you don’t have administrator privileges, you can no longer install the program due to this error.
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Reason Behind This App Has Been Blocked For Your Protection Error
The Real Issue behind this Error is the SmartScreen Protection in Windows 10 which is enabled by default. Enabling the Administrator account and Logging into it will Disable it. Well, Windows 10 has an inbuilt Administrator account that is blocking you to install the App/Program. This Administrator user account is Hidden and Disabled. We will Simply Enable it to Fix This App Has Been Blocked For Your Protection error.
Fix This app has been blocked for your protection
Before doing the following process make sure the application you are going to install is Secure. If you are sure that the application is safe and was received from reliable sources. You can bypass this notification and run/install the application. Here is How To do First we Need to Enable the hidden Administrator Account.
Enabling Administrator Account
Open Command Prompt by Searching it or Right Click on Start Button and Click Command Prompt (Admin).
This will open the command prompt with Admin rights. now Type the command :
net user administrator /active:yes
Press Enter will see Command Completed Successfully just like Picture.
Now close Command Prompt and click on Start, Then Click on your User Account(Located at Top Left) then click Sign out. Next, choose the new Created Administrator Account To log in.
You can now see the Desktop, Simply Navigate to the .exe file and double-click it. You won’t see any error this time. Now that you have Installed your Required Program, you will again need to Log in to your Regular User account and Disable the Administrator User account. Ok so now you should be logged in to your Regular account.
To disable the Administrator Account :
Open Command prompt and type in “net user administrator /active:no” and hit Enter.
That is it. Close the Command prompt. This should Most probably Fix the issue.
Disabling Smart Screen
You can Also disable the Smart screen Filter to install the application Error free To disable Smart screen :
To Do this first Search for Control Panel and Open it. Now in Control Panel Window, Search for “SmartScreen” Click “Change SmartScreen Settings” Under Security & Maintenance.
Click on Security to see Drop Down Options. Scroll Down and Click “Change Settings” for Windows Smartscreen.
Now Select Don’t do anything(Turn off Windows SmartScreen) and Click OK.
So in this method, we did the same thing just in a different way. Now Execute the File which was showing you This App Has Been Blocked For Your Protection. It must be gone for good now.
Open Command Prompt and Try installing
Go to the folder where your Application file is located ( for Ex my Application file is Netgear genie-install.exe on E drive ) and causing the error. Let’s say you are trying to run NETGEARGenie-install.exe and it’s located in E:SetupNETGEARGenie-install.exe.
So as per the above example you will navigate to E drive, Click on the Setup folder, don’t open it.
Hold the Shift key and Right Click on the “Setup” Folder, in the context menu you will see an open Command Window here, Click on it.
Command Prompt will pop up at the location E: Now simply type NETGEARGenie-install.exe and hit enter. This will not show you This app has been blocked for your protection error.