proxy server refusing connections

A proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary between your computer and other servers. When this proxy server refusing connections, the proxy server not responding windows 10 error will appear which means the Internet browser can not connect to a configured proxy server, therefore the internet user cannot access the internet using the browser.  This error will appear on your Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser when you try to open any web page.

A proxy server has advantages that let users browse or do anything online anonymously but When your PC’s proxy server settings become changed by any third-party or malicious programs, You may encounter this connection error in your browsers. Some malicious browser extensions also can create this trouble. Again, VPN software can be a good culprit behind this error. When the proxy server became change you may face this error configured proxy server isn’t responding to windows 10, The proxy Server Refusing connections, proxy server not responding to windows 10 while browsing web pages.

If the above error message displays when your internet service provider, router, modem, and WiFi are okay. Probably this problem was caused by a wrong network setting for the web browser. If You have never changed the network setting? This could be done by adware, malware, or any other harmful programs that you have on your computer.

Proxy Server Refusing connections

Here is how to fix the proxy server not responding to google chrome, the configured proxy server isn’t responding to windows 10, this proxy server refusing connections, proxy server not responding to windows 10 error Follow below Troubleshooting steps.

Configure No proxy on Firefox Browser

This The Proxy Server Is Refusing connections Error Mostly display on Firefox Web browser. so making some changes on Firefox web Browser can fix this issue. Here follow the instruction to fix this proxy server issue.

First Open Firefox web browser, and on the top-right side of your web browser, you will see “Open Menu” with 3 horizontal lines. Click it, then click “Options”.

On options, You will see many different settings. Here click on  “Advanced” then under Advanced, click “Network”.

Now, click “Settings” in the connection box. You will now see proxy settings. Check “No proxy”. Click OK.  Close your Firefox browser, and open it again. Mostly It will work. If you still having the same issue follow the next tips.

Disable Proxy for LAN

If the above method didn’t work for you, then you can try disabling the proxy for LAN settings from the Internet settings. By default, Proxy should be disabled in windows. But, Third-party programs or malicious software can change it. So, You may need to disable it on your PC to get rid of being unable to connect to the proxy server or The Proxy Server Is Refusing connections Error in browsers. To-Do this Here Follow these steps.

First Open Control Panel and go to Network and Internet. Click and open Internet Options. This will open a new Internet Properties dialogue box.

Now Click O the Connections tab and click on LAN settings at the bottom. It will also open a new dialogue box. At the bottom find the Proxy Server section and uncheck the box “Use the proxy server for your LAN.  Also, check the box “Automatically detect settings”.


Click on OK to save the settings. Then click Apply and OK to save the Internet Properties settings.
Now open Firefox, Google Chrome, or Edge and try to open any web page. This time hopes the problem will get fixed. otherwise, follow the next step.

Windows Registry Tweak

If the above methods do not work for you then making some changes in the registry editor will help to  Fix the “The proxy server is refusing connections” Error. To do this Here follow the below steps.

Note Before making any changes on Windows Registry it’s recommended to create System Restore point. so that if anything goes wrong while making changes we can use the System Restore to revert the system to the previous working state.

First, open the Windows Registry to do this press win + r on Run window type Regedit and press ok. This will open Registry editor on your computer. Now, you have to go to the following folder in the registry editor:

hkey_current_user/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/internet settings

Once the directory is opened in Registry editor, here find files named “ProxyServer” and “ProxyEnable”. Delete both these files from the registry editor.

once you have done this on the same directory look for the folder named Run As shown below image right click on it delete a file named goiekkxc. Now, reboot your computer. Once rebooted, open Firefox and connect to the website which was earlier displaying this message. The firefox proxy server is refusing connections error should be resolved.

Removing Browser Extensions

Sometimes browser extensions may affect your proxy settings for a specific browser. for time being temporarily remove the browser Extensions and try browsing the sites to do this

To do this open google chrome and click on (…) 3 dotted menu, and select setting. Here on the setting screen select extensions on left side. As shown below image.

Just, Disable all extensions. Now, Check if you can browse without any problem. If you can do it, Just enable one of your extensions. Again check if you can browse any websites without can’t connect to the proxy server problem. By this way, Enable extensions one by one. You will find the culprit very easily. Then remove the problematic extension or addon.

Disabling / Uninstalling VPN Client

If your system having a VPN client configured then this is the first step to resolving the “can’t connect to the proxy server” problem by disabling the VPN client on your PC. Just disconnect from the VPN server by clicking disconnect.

To do this open run by pressing Win + R and type ncpa.cpl will open the network connections window. here choose the VPN client to right-click on it here you will find the disconnect/connection option.

Just disconnect from the VPN server by clicking disconnect. Then, Close and exit it. But, I would like to suggest you uninstall it temporarily. After that, Restart your PC. Now, Try to browse any websites by any of the problematic browsers. I Hope, It will fix the problem.

Removing Adware and Malware

Some malicious extensions or malware may create this problem. So, for that, You can use a good antivirus to remove malware. first, install a Good antivirus or antimalware with the latest update and perform a full system scan.

After performing a full system scan this will remove if any malware or virus found on your system now Restart the windows. Hope after that this problem will get fixed.

Remove any Suspicious Software

Sometimes The “can’t connect to the proxy server” issue can also occur if a malicious or adware tool got installed on your PC. Some of the most common tools causing these problems are Wajam (an adware tool), browser security, etc.

Here follow the below instructions to uninstall these adware tools.

Uninstall Wajam – Open Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall Program > Programs and Features. Find any software named Wajam and uninstall it. Remove the Wajam extension from your Chrome browser.
Remove Browser Security – Browser Security is a tool that can affect your browser and can generate this issue. To uninstall it from Control Panel-> Uninstall Program -> Program.

Reset Chrome Browser

If any of the above methods not worked then this can be fixed by Reset the Chrome Browser setting. this will reset the chrome setup to the default setup.

To Reset first Open Google Chrome. Click on the Chrome menu (three horizontal bars) and select Settings. Scroll down and click on Show advanced settings.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Reset Settings. Confirm the decision by clicking on the Reset button.
These are some best working solutions to the fix proxy server not responding to windows 10, proxy server refusing connections, the configured proxy server isn’t responding windows 10, firefox configured proxy server refusing connections error. Have any query suggestion feel free to comment below.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.