Microsoft Regularly drops windows updates to patch any security vulnerability and to improve the overall functionality of the operating system. And With Windows 10 Updates are set To install Automatically when a machine is connected to Microsoft Server. Some Times Windows Users Report After installing Recent Updates or Upgrade To Windows 10 Creators update They Are getting Different problems ( System Crashes, BSOD Error, Black Screen, No Internet or Network connection etc ), Today We discuss How To fix Different Internet and Network Connection Issues on Windows 10.

If you’re Also having trouble connecting your PC to the Internet, or that you have no Internet connection or access after upgrading to Windows 10, here are some Quick Tips To Fix Internet and Network Connection Issues in Windows 10.

Tips To Fix Network Connection Issues

To Fix Internet and Network Connection Issues in Windows 10, 8.1 and we are going to perform the Following Steps.

Let’s Perform These Steps one by one To fix Network and internet connection issues. Start with Basic Troubleshooting.

Power cycle the router

Power Cycle The Router, Modem is the first and Basic Solution, Worked for most users to Fix Network and internet connection issues. If you cannot see Wi-Fi or Ethernet options in the list of networks, remove the power plug from the router and modem after turning it off. Leave it for a few seconds, then plug in the power cord and turn it on. This is proved to be the easiest solution to some users, but if you find not helping, move on the nest fixes.

Disable & Enable Wireless/Ethernet Network 

If While connect to wifi your computer says “Windows 10 can’t connect to this network”, you can try to disable and enable the wireless network to fix the network connection.

To do this Press the Win+R key, type ncpa.cpl and hit the enter key to open the Network Connection window. Here Right-click on the wireless network and choose “Disable” As shown Bellow image. Then Restart windows again open the Network Connection window, This time right click and Enable the network adapter which you disable previously. If you have an Ethernet connection, You can also Do the same ( Disable and Enable ) with Active Ethernet adapter

Also, you can Disable and Enable the Active Network Adapter from Device manager by the following below.

First press Win + R, Type devmgmt.msc and hit the enter key. Here on Device manager expend network Adapters, Right-click on Active Ethernet / Wireless driver and Select Disable. Again Restart windows, And from Device manager Enable the Previously Disabled network driver. Check worked for you? If not follow the next solution.

Run Windows Built-in Network Troubleshooter 

Windows has a built-in network troubleshooter, Which Helps to find and fix Different Network and Internet connection issues. We strongly Suggest Run the Troubleshooter first And let windows fix the problem itself first.

To run this tool type “network troubleshooter” on the search bar at the bottom of the screen, Choose Identify and repair network problems as shown image below.

This will Start the network diagnostic process, Check for problems that cause the issue to connect internet and network connection. If found any this will try to fix itself or instruct you at the end to take necessary action.

Temporarily Turn off Firewalls 

Some Times firewall and security software cause network connection issues on your Windows PC. You may temporarily turn off the firewalls and security software ( antivirus ) and see if the problem is on the firewalls. To disable Firewalls:

Open Command prompt as administrator, Then Type netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off and hit enter key to execute the command.

command to turn off Windows Firewall

Also if you have installed any Antivirus / System protection Application Disable the same and try to connect to the network and internet, Check connected without any Error? If still need help follow the next instructions.

Change power management setting

Also, Problematic power management settings could be the cause of this problem. You can modify the setting to fix network adapter issues. Note: This is applicable to Laptops Only, To Do this:

Right-click on the Windows 10 Start menu and select Device Manager. Or you can press win + R, Type devmgmt.msc and hit the enter key to open windows device manager. Here Expand the Network adapter, Right-click your network connection device and click Properties. Next move to the Power Management tab, and un-tick the box for Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power. Click OK to save. Check to see if your Internet connection is back to normal again.

Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power

Reinstall the Network Adapter Driver 

If after perform above basic Troubleshooting steps, Still Network and internet connection issues not fixed for you, Then Now we have to perform some advanced solutions. Drivers are essential components of your windows computer, They facilitate communication between the system and all installed programs and applications. They need to be installed and must be up-to-date for smooth computer operations. Update and Reinstall the current installed Network / Wireless adapter driver, and if you notice After Recent driver update Network problem started then the Rollback Driver option is good applicable solution to fix this issue.

Update Network Adapter Driver

To update Network Adapter Driver open the device manager by right click on the start menu and select device manager, Then expand Network Adapters. Here Right-click the wireless or Ethernet network adapter, and choose Update driver software, select Search Automatically for updated driver software as shown below image and follow on-screen instructions, Windows check for the latest available driver if found then it will install for you.

Update network driver

Reinstall Network Adapter

If while update windows show already latest updated driver installed, Then Reinstall the Network Adapter is good option to update the network adapter to the latest version. For this first visit the device manufacturer’s website and download the latest available driver for the network adapter.

Now open Device manager -> expand network adapters -> Right-click on the wireless or Ethernet network adapter, and choose Uninstall device > Delete the driver software for this device check box > Uninstall.

uninstall Network adapter driver

Now Restart windows this will automatically install the basic network adapter driver for you. Again you need to update the current driver from Device manager -> expend network adapter -> right click on the wireless or Ethernet network adapter, and choose update driver. On the next screen, Select browse my computer for device software and select the driver path which you downloaded from the manufacturer website. Click next and follow on-screen instructions to install the driver. Restart windows and check Network and internet connection issue solved.

Roll Back the Network Adapter Driver

In some cases, the problem can be traced to a recent driver update released for the network adapter, in which case rolling back the old version may fix the connectivity issue.

To roll back the previous driver, open Device manager -> expend network adapter -> select Ethernet / Wireless right-click on it – properties- > move to the driver tab and select Rollback Driver option and follow the on-screen instruction to revert back currently installed driver to the previous version. Now Restart windows and check the problem is solved, If not follow the next instruction.

Note:  Roll Back Option only available if you recently update the driver software, If the button is unavailable, that means there’s no driver on your Windows PC to roll back to.

Reset the TCP/IP stack on Windows 10

If after performing the above steps and update, Reinstall Network driver still getting network connection issues Then perform the following commands to reset the TCP/IP stack and clearing any DNS information on your computer.

In the case the troubleshooter can’t fix the connection problem, you should try to

To reset the TCP/IP stack using Command Prompt, First, click on Start menu search type cmd and right-click on command prompt from search results and select run as administrator. Then Following commands one by one and press enter key to execute the command.

Reset the TCP IP stack on Windows 10

Netsh winsock reset   (Reset the TCP Settings)

Netsh int ip reset       (Reset the TCP Settings)

ipconfig /release        (Release the IP address)

ipconfig /renew          (Renew the IP address)

At last type ipconfig /flushdns to (Flush and reset the DNS client resolver cache). Then exit the command prompt and Restart your computer to complete the task.

Reset network adapters on Windows 10

Also With the latest Windows 10 Microsoft Added a new feature network reset, It will reinstall all network adapters and set them to the defaults. Which helps to fix all network related issues. You can do this from click on start menu -> Choose Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Network Reset.

On the Network reset screen, select Reset now, And Wait for your PC to restart.

Network reset windows 10

Keep in mind that after your computer restarts, any network adapter will be reinstalled, and settings will reset to their default configurations. This means that if you’re connecting to a Wi-Fi network, you’ll need to re-enter the password to connect, and you may need to reconfigure other networking software as well.

These are some best solutions to Fix All Network and Internet Connection Issues. I hope This Tips Also Help to fix your Network Connection, WiFi And internet connection Issues on Windows 10. Still have any query, suggestion about Network and internet Connection Issues feel free to discuss on the comments below. Also, Read from our blog Fix DHCP is not enabled for wireless network connection

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.