windows 10 start menu critical error

The start menu and Cortana are two of the new features that are bundled into Windows 10. But sometimes users face After install updates, Of after upgrade to latest feature update the start menu stopped working, not open after click again and again the same Cortana also not opening. sometimes after login to window its showing Critical Error message start menu not working on Windows 10. And there is only the option to sign out from windows. If you are also suffering from this problem, the Start menu not open even after a click on it or press the Windows key on the keyboard. And look for the solution to fix this problem permanently. Here follow below steps, we will discuss how to Fix Critical Error Cortana and start menu not working windows 10. Start with basic troubleshooting most of the times a simple System restart fix the problem.

Cortana and start menu not working windows 10

First of all, make sure that you have set up Cortana in Windows 10 correctly. If after upgrading to Windows 10, you find that Cortana is not available in your region. Then go to windows help and support Windows 10 can help you get Cortana on your Windows 10 PC.

Run Start Menu Troubleshooting tool

Microsoft notices the Windows 10 Start menu problem, And they Officially Release especially Start menu troubleshooting tool. Which Check for Start menu and Cortana errors and Try to fix itself. You only have to Download and Run the start menu Troubleshooting tool.

Kill and restart the Cortana process

If you find that Cortana is not working properly, the best thing to do would be to kill Cortana process and restart the process via Task Manager. If it was a minor run time error Cortana would just take a restart to fix it.

To do this right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager. Here on the process tab scroll down and look for Cortana and its related services. simply Right click and select end task.

Re-register the Cortana app

This is the most working method i have found for my self also. Re-registering the Apps can refresh all windows apps include the start menu and Cortana.

Note: Before you proceed, some of you may want to create a system restore point first, so that you can revert back if you find that the results are not what you expected.
Now first open task manager with right-click on Taskbar and select Task Manager. Here click on file > new task and type power shell. Also, checkmark on create this task with administrative privileges.

Now when the power shell opens type the following command and hit the Enter key to execute the command.

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}

After Execute the command simply Restart windows and check. For most of users, this tip fixes their problem. If you are still getting problem fallow next step.

Repair Windows Image

Log onto your PC using your Windows account credentials. Do not click on the Critical Windows error or the sign-out, now error button. As this will restart your computer quite fast.
Press Alt + Control + Delete together and then go to task manager. Here click on file > new task type power shell and check run this task as Administrator. Now Type the following command and hit the enter key to execute the command.

 Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth Wait until to complete the scanning process when the process completes 100 % fallow the next step to check and repair corrupt system files.

Check for corrupt system files

The window has an SFC Utility that Scan And Restore corrupted or missing system file from a cache dll folder. You can Read with details about SFC utility and how it works.

Now let’s see how to run the SFC utility. On the same power shell window type below command and hit enter key to execute the command.

 sfc /scannow

Wait until 100 % complete the scanning process. Restart system after the scan is over lets Us Know it is helpful or not.

Get into safe mode

Windows have an advanced startup option where you get a number of troubleshooting tools like system restore, go back to the previous build, startup repair, safe mode boot etc. First access the advanced startup option and start windows 10 into safe mode. Now on safe mode perform troubleshooting steps to fix this problem.
Here on Safe mode uninstall new installed software, Delete Temp files, Perform a Disk Cleanup.
If you are running a third-party antivirus software, we recommend uninstalling, then reinstalling the antivirus software, as this may also provide a workaround for this problem. Now Restart and start windows normally.

Create a local account

Some Users have reported that adding a new local administrator account has resolved their Critical Error. If that doesn’t work, try removing the original administrator account now that you have a new one created. Microsoft really, really wants you to use a Microsoft account. Over the years, the company has made it increasingly difficult to create a local account one that isn’t hooked into Microsoft’s stuff in the sky. (It’s an open point of debate as to whether using a local account also curtails Microsoft’s snooping, given the ever-present Advertising ID, but that’s another story.)

Here’s how to create a new local account:

Click Start, Settings, Family & other users, Add someone else to this PC. (Note that you can’t “Add a family member” with a local account. Presumably, that is tied into parental controls.)
In the box marked “How will this person sign in?” down at the bottom, click “The person I want to add doesn’t have an email address.”
In the “Let’s create your account” dialog, at the bottom, click “Add a user without a Microsoft account.”
At that point, finally, you can type in a username, password and password hint. Click Next and you suddenly have a local account ready to use on your machine.
And you thought creating a local account would be easy.

Create a user account using command prompt: 

open an elevated command prompt window, type the following and hit Enter:

command to create new user account 

net user username /add
Here username is your new username. You will see The command completed successfully message. Log into your new account and see if has resolved your issue.

Update your Windows 10 system

1. Check your System Control Panel for Windows Updates if unable to resolve the issue or you contact MS support for technical assistance online via their homepage.
2. Update video Drivers from the manufactures website first or Nvidia/ATI website or manufacturer’s depending on equipment drivers required.
3. Only if a recent upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 could try reinstall within windows / then try to update all drivers. (Via Install Media or Reset Option in Windows).

Rebuild the Windows Search Indexer in Windows 10

Rebuilding the Search Indexer may help in repairing the built-in search tool in Windows 10. To rebuild the Windows search index head to Control Panel > Indexing options. Click on Advanced and ensure that you are on the Index Settings tab in the Advanced Options window.

The rebuilding will take some time and once it is done you can start searching for the files you need and the Search should work properly.

Disable Antivirus software

Some security software are known to create this issue – Avast for instance. Disable it and see if it makes the problem go away. If your security software is the culprit, make sure you are using its latest version – else you may want to change it.
These are some best working solutions to fix the Critical Error Cortana start menu not working on windows 10. Have any query or new suggestion for this post feel free to comment below.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.