Dism error 0x800f081f windows 11

The Deployment Image Service and Management Tool (DISM) is a powerful command-line tool in Windows used for servicing and preparing Windows images. Usually, we recommend run DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth to scan Windows image that has become corrupt or needs any other kinds of repairs. However, encountering the error code 0x800f081f can be frustrating, as it indicates that the necessary source files are not accessible. Users report DISM Error 0x800f081f The source files could not be found while running the Dism restore health command. Let’s find out the reason behind this error and solutions to fix DISM error 0x800f081f Windows 11 or Windows 10.

 The 0x800f081f DISM error usually indicates that the files required for the DISM operation are missing or corrupted

DISM error 0x800f081f windows 11

The most common reason behind the DISM Error 0x800f081f on Windows 11 indicating that source files could not be found, is a mismatch between the Windows version installed on your system and the version of the source files it’s trying to use for repairs or updates.

  • One of the primary reasons for this error is corrupted or missing system files. If the required files are damaged or not where they should be, DISM cannot complete its tasks.
  • Problems with Windows Update can also trigger this error. If the Windows Update service is not functioning correctly or if updates are interrupted, DISM may struggle to access the necessary files.
  • When you use DISM to repair your system, it may require access to the original Windows installation files. If your installation media is missing or damaged, DISM cannot access the source files.
  • If your computer doesn’t have access to the internet, DISM may fail to retrieve necessary files from Windows Update, causing the error.
  • Third-party antivirus or firewall software can sometimes interfere with the DISM process. Temporarily disabling such software may help resolve the issue.

Clean up System Image Components

Performing a Component Cleanup in Windows can help resolve issues related to the Windows Component Store and can be useful in fixing problems like the DISM Error 0x800f081f. Here’s how you can perform a Component Cleanup:

  • First, open the command prompt as administrator and run the following command to clean up system image components.

Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

DISM StartComponentCleanup

  • This command initiates the Component Cleanup process. It will scan your Windows Component Store, remove unnecessary files, and compact the store to reduce its size.

The process may take some time, depending on the size of your Component Store and the speed of your system. Allow it to finish, After the Component Cleanup process is complete, it’s a good practice to restart your computer.

Get Source from Windows Image

The DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth command is a powerful tool used to repair Windows installations by replacing damaged files. However, if it can’t find the required files in Windows Updates or WSUS, it may result in the error 0x800f081f.

To solve this error, you need to provide DISM with a valid Windows image file (install.wim) that contains the necessary files for the repair process. It’s crucial that this install.wim file matches your installed Windows version in terms of version, edition, and language.

You can find the install.wim file in any Windows installation media under the “sources” folder (sources\install.wim). If you already have the Windows installation media, you can proceed with the repair process. However, if you don’t have it, you’ll need to download the Windows ISO using the Media Creation Tool.

Step 1: Download Windows 11 ISO

Visit the official Microsoft website and look for “Media Creation Tool”. Download and run the tool. Accept the license terms and choose the option to create installation media for another PC. Choose your preferred language, edition, and architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) for the Windows version you want to download.

Select the option to create installation media for a USB flash drive or an ISO file. Choose a download location for Windows 11 ISO file then hit Save. Once done locate the Windows ISO image right click on it select mount.

Run the DISM command using Windows image as source

Step 02:  Now, Go to This PC and see the driver letter where the ISO file has been mounted. Suppose, The driver later is D.

So, I will use D:\sources as an alternate source.

Open the command prompt as administrator and run the following command:

Note:  replacing D with the directory where the Windows ISO file you downloaded earlier is mounted:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:D:\Sources\Install.wim:1 /LimitAccess

dism source file repair command

Wait for the command to be executed, and DISM should be successful at repairing your Windows image this time.

Reinstall Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

This process involves enabling the .NET Framework 3.5 feature, which includes versions 2.0 and 3.0, through the Windows features menu. It can be an effective way to resolve the error 0x800F081F related to issues with the .NET Framework.

  1. Press WINDOWS + I to open Windows Settings.
  2. Click on “Apps” and then “Apps & features” in the left pane.
  3. Locate “Related settings” and click on “Programs and Features” under it.
  4. In the next window, click on “Turn Windows features on or off.”
  5. Select the checkbox for “.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)” and click “OK.”
  6. Wait for the installation process to finish.

Restart your system after the installation is complete to ensure the changes take effect.

Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the Windows Update Troubleshooter helps identify and resolve issues with Windows updates, which can often lead to error codes like 0x800F081F. It’s a straightforward and effective way to address update-related problems.

  1. Press WINDOWS + I to open Settings.
  2. Click on “Update & Security” and then select “Troubleshoot” in the left pane.
  3. Click on “Additional troubleshooters.”
  4. Look for “Windows Update” in the list and click on it.
  5. Click on “Run the troubleshooter” and wait for the process to complete.
  6. Follow the instructions provided by the troubleshooter.

If the troubleshooter identifies and fixes any issues, be sure to restart your computer and attempt to install the updates again.

Additionally, performing an SFC scan can help identify and repair corrupted system files on Windows 11. Ensure that your system date and time are set correctly. Incorrect date and time settings can sometimes lead to issues with Windows updates.

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I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.