Diagnostics Policy Service is not running

Microsoft has Designed Build in Troubleshooting Tools to Detect and fix various windows related problems itself. Such As whenever you face any windows update installation failure, Stuck we recommend to run Windows update troubleshooter, Or when you face network & internet connection related problems we recommend to run network Adapter troubleshooter which scan and address the issue which prevents the tasks ( windows update, Network & internet ) to run smoothly. But sometimes users report While running the Network Adapter troubleshooter, windows update troubleshooter it ends with a problem “Diagnostics policy service is not running

What is the Diagnostics policy service?

The Diagnostic Policy Service enables problem detection, troubleshooting and resolution for Windows components on your Windows operating system. If this service is not running, diagnostics will no longer function. There is a various reason that can affect the Service but misconfigurations of the system, Security software ( antivirus ), Third party software is the most common. Whatever the reason here some applicable solutions you may apply to fix “Diagnostics Policy Service is not running” on Windows 10,8.1 and 7 computers.

Start Diagnostics policy service and set Automatic Startup

First of all open windows services and check Diagnostics Policy Service startup type is set to Automatic and try to start the service manually which may very helpful.

  • To do this, Open Start Menu and type services.msc and hit enter. It will open a new window where you will see a list of services.
  • Now, Find Diagnostics Policy Service and double-click on it.
  • Here from the drop-down menu change the Startup type “Automatic”
  • Then, If you found the service is not on running stage. Simply Click start next to service status.
  • After that, Click on Apply and OK.
  • Now try launching the troubleshooter again and see if the error message went away. Most of time It should fix the problem.


Add Relevant Privileges to Administrator Account

But, For some users report getting access denied type message and an error code like error 5 while start the service. Again Its showing error message “Windows could not start the diagnostics policy service on local computer”. Even if running command “net start DPS” with administrator right, it says “the service couldn’t be started”. That cause simply open Command prompt as administrator and perform Command below.

net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice

net localgroup Administrators /add localservice

Add Relevant Privileges to Administrator Account

Close the command prompt and try running the diagnostics again. If it doesn’t work, consider doing a restart.

Reinstalling the Network Adapters

If both the above solutions don’t work, reinstalling the network adapters might fix the problem instantly. We will uninstall the network adapter from your computer at first and then scan for hardware changes. The operating system will automatically detect the attached hardware and install the default drivers for it. If the default drivers don’t work, you can always update them, Or download & Install the latest driver for network adapter from manufacturer website.

  1. Press Windows + R, type “devmgmt.msc” in the dialogue box and press Enter.
  2. Expand the category “Network adapters”, right-click on the adapter which is giving you problems and click on “Uninstall device”.

uninstall Network adapter driver

Once the device is uninstalled, right-click on any empty space in the device manager and select “Scan for hardware changes”.

scan hardware changes

The network adapter will automatically be installed. Check if you are accessing the internet properly. If windows didn’t install the network adapter driver automatically then download & Install the latest driver for network adapter from the manufacturer website.

Again some users report on (Microsoft forum, Reddit) running System file checker they are able to fix the issue. Some others mention Security Software ( antivirus ) causing the issue and disabling Antivirus software helps them to resolve the issue.

Did above mention solutions helps to fix “Diagnostics Policy Service is not running” on windows 10, 8.1 and 7. Let us know on the comments which option worked for you. Also, Read Fix WiFi Keeps Disconnecting After Windows 10 April 2018 update

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.