Password reset disk windows 10

A password reset disk is useful, to reset Windows local user account password in case if you ever forget it. However you can’t create a password reset disk if you don’t know your password, so don’t wait for the day you actually need it. So Go ahead, and create it when you initially set up your user account. Here in this post we have steps to create a password reset disk on Windows 10.


  • Password reset disks in Windows 10 can be created only for local accounts.
  • To reset the password for your Microsoft account, you must go to the Forgot my password link available on Microsoft’s site’s login page.
  • If your computer is on a business domain, a system administrator can reset your domain password.
  • If you are using a Microsoft account in Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, you will need to use Microsoft’s online password reset tool which can be accessed from any device with internet access.
  • Also If you have forgotten your local user account password, and don’t have a password reset disk. Read how to reset your Windows 10 password without losing data.

Create a password reset disk windows 10

  • First of all, insert your USB thumb drive  that you want to use as a password reset disk,
  • Login local user account for which you want to create a password reset disk.
  • Now on the start menu search the Type control panel and open it.
  • Here on the Control Panel context menu click on User Accounts.
  • Again Click User Accounts from the right pane of the User Accounts window.

click on user accounts

  • Now From the left pane of the next window, click Create a password reset disk.

create password reset disk

  • If you have not already inserted your USB flash drive, you will be prompted to insert one.
  • Plug in your drive, press OK, and then click or tap again, On “Create a password reset disk”.
  • Now The Forgotten Password Wizard is opened.
  • Click next to proceed with the creation of the password reset disk.

create password reset disk welcome screen

  • Select the drive where you want to store the password information about your user account and press Next.
  • On the next screen, you have to enter the current user account password which will help you to reset your Windows 10 password in the future.
  • Once you have entered the password, click on the Next button.

Note: If your account does not have a password, leave the box blank. If later you decide that your account needs a password and it happens that you forget it, you can use the password reset disk you just created.

Wait while the wizard creates the password reset disk. When the process is complete, the progress bar will show 100%. Click or tap Next.

create password reset disk successful

You have successfully created the windows 10 password reset disk. These Steps are applicable for all Windows editions.

I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.