Reduce Chrome CPU usage

Google Chrome is the most popular and faster web browser. But it has a problem. Chrome uses high CPU power and RAM. Even it may make hard disk too busy. As a result, your PC may face performance issues. By following some specific steps you can reduce Chrome CPU usage on Windows 11 or 10.

How to Reduce Google Chrome CPU Usage

You can reduce Chrome CPU usage by following the steps.

A large number of tabs – especially ones with videos, animations and lots of ads – increases Chrome’s CPU usage. The simple solution is close the tabs you don’t need and don’t open more than you need simultaneously in the future.

Sometimes Virus or malware infections also cause Google Chrome High CPU usage on Windows PC. Perform full system scan with the latest updated antivirus or anti-malware application help fix the issue and reduct Chrome CPU usage.

Open Chrome’s internal task manager using Shift + Esc while chrome running. This action brings up a list of all the tasks running in Chrome and tells you the CPU usage for each one. Click the “CPU” column to organize the tasks by CPU usage.

Here you will get a clearer picture of what is causing the problem with your Chrome, which saves time when it comes to rectifying the situation.

Update Chrome

Chrome works best when you’re on the latest version.

  • Open Chrome browser and go to chrome://settings/help
  • This will automatically check for and download the latest Chrome version.
  • Once done, Relaunch the application.

Chrome 103

Disable background tasks in Chrome

There are chances, the background tasks are likely causing Chrome High CPU usage.

  • Open Chrome settings then click on system, Also you can go from here, chrome://settings/system
  • On the “System” section, toggle off the “Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed” option.

Disable background tasks in Chrome

Disable/Remove Extensions

Remove some unnecessary extensions from Chrome. You also can disable some optional extensions. It will reduce Chrome CPU usage. You will also experience a good performance from Chrome. To disable or remove Chrome extensions –

  • Go to chrome://extensions
  • Now uncheck enable to disable any extension.
  • Click on the delete icon to remove any extension.

Disable Chrome extensions

Clear Cache and Cookies

You also can reduce Google Chrome CPU usage by clearing cache and cookies. To do it –

clear cookies on chrome browser

All of the steps above must help you to reduce Chrome CPU usage. But if you still face high CPU and RAM usage issue, You can take the following steps.

Reset Google Chrome

To reduce Chrome CPU usage, You can reset it. To do it –

Reset Google Chrome default

You also can reset Google Chrome by following the method.

  • Open RUN by pressing Windows Logo + R on your Keyboard.
  • Now type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ and Press Enter.
  • Now Rename the default folder.
  • Now launch Google Chrome.

Re-Install Chrome:

This is the final step. To reduce chrome CPU usage, you can Reinstall Google Chrome.

  1. Open settings, go to Apps then Apps & programs
  2. Locate chrome select it then click on uninstall.
  3. After uninstall is complete, delete the following folder:
  4. Download the latest version of Chrome and install it again.

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I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.