Although the use of VPN services is still legal in many countries, this may not be the case in the future. Because there are countries such as Iran and China that prevent the use of these services or keep them under strict control. For this reason, a VPN provider should not be registered in any country that is currently a problem or maybe a problem in the future.
Many VPN services do not take this seriously; Because a user who reads the terms of use will easily see that these services can record session data and IP addresses. The best way to prevent this is to never keep user data on disks by using dedicated servers that work with encrypted disk images.
If you are considering purchasing a VPN service, make sure that the service provider you choose has the following features:
- Up to four cascading connections, providing extra security in case a particular data center is compromised.
- TrackStop filter: Server-side DNS filter that blocks ads, phishing and malware content on all devices.
- IPv6 Support and unlimited simultaneous connections.
- AI-based routing: This means that the user’s connections will be redirected based on where they are connected; Traffic within the VPN network is routed to the VPN server closest to the destination server.
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