Windows 10 version and build details

Did you know which windows 10 Version Build and Edition you have installed on your PC? Basically, this thing didn’t affect your daily work on your PC. But Finding out which edition, version, or build of Windows 10 is running, on your PC can help you determine which features are available. Check and Find Out Which windows 10 version and build number, with the edition of Windows 10 running on your computer is very easy. Here in this post, we discuss different ways to check which Windows 10 Version, Build, and Edition you have installed on your PC.

  • Edition: The “Edition” line tells you which edition of Windows 10 you’re using — Windows 10 Home, Professional, Enterprise, or Education.
  • Build Number: Look at the “Version” and “OS Build” lines. If you have the original version of Windows 10, you’ll just see “OS Build 19045.2604”.
  • 64-bit or 32-bit: The “System type” line tells you whether you’re using the 32-bit version of Windows 10 or the 64-bit version. It also tells you whether your PC is compatible with the 64-bit version or not.
    For example, the “64-bit operating system, x64-based processor” indicates you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows 10 on a 64-bit processor. “32-bit operating system, x64-based processor” indicates you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows 10, but you could install the 64-bit version on your hardware if you prefer.

Check Windows 10 Version, Build, and Edition

Checking Which Windows 10 Version, Build, and Edition you have installed is very easy.

  • Press Windows + R to open Run,
  • here type the command winver, and hit the enter key.

This will open about windows program that lists information about the installed version of Windows. The program is also available in previous versions of the Windows operating system. The About windows screen (winver) tells us that we’re running Windows 10 Pro operating system, Version 22H2 and OS Build 19045.2604.

windows 10 build 19045.2604

Here you will find The installed OS is Windows 10

Version: The version uses a four-digit code that refers to the year and month of release.

  • Version 22H2, windows 10 2022 Update (OS Build number 19045)
  • Version 21H2, November 2021 Update (OS Build number 19044)
  • Version 21H1, May 2021 Update (OS Build number 19043)
  • Version 20H2, October 2020 Update (OS Build number 19042)
  • Version 2004, May 2020 Update (OS Build number 19041)
  • Version 1909, November 2019 (OS Build number 18363).
  • Version 1903, May 2019 Update (OS Build number 18362).
  • Version 1809, October 2018 Update (OS Build number 17763).
  • Version 1803, April 2018 Update (OS Build number 17134).
  • Version 1709, Fall Creators Update (OS Build number 16299).
  • Version 1703, Creators Update (OS Build number 15063).
  • Version 1607, Anniversary Update (OS Build number 14393).
  • Version 1511, November Update (OS Build number 10586).
  • Version 1507, Initial Release (OS Build number 10240).

OS Build: The OS Build number offers the same information as the version. It is a bit harder to decipher though as you cannot draw a direct link between the build and version.

Editon:  The About Windows screen highlights the edition of Windows 10 as well. You find it listed in the first sentence after the copyright notice.

Check Windows 10 Version edition and Build no from Settings

Also, you can find out the Windows 10 Versioeditionsns and Build no details from the Settings app.

  • Open the setting by Press Windows + I key
  • Then click on the system and from the left side select About.

This will open the About windows screen where you can get the windows version, edition, and build no details. With your System configuration Details like the Installed processor, Install RAM and System Type: 64-bit or 32-bit.

Check windows 10 details

Command To check Windows 10 Version edition and Build

Open the Command prompt as administrator.

Then type command system info and press enter key to display your system configuration with the Installed OS name, Version, edition, and build of windows installed on your system.

cmd systeminfo

Check Windows 10 Version on the registry editor

Open Registry Editor type Regedit on windows start menu starch and navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

In the right pane, you will find everything you need to know about Windows 10’s version, build number and edition details.

Show Windows 10 Build number on the Desktop

If you would like to show the windows version and build no on your desktop. You can tweak the windows registry to do that. Simply press Win+R and type Regedit and press Enter key When User Account Control asks you Yes or No, select Yes. This Will open the Windows Registry window. Now navigate to following

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Show windows 10 Build number on Desktop

Make sure you’ve selected Desktop in the left pane, next, look for PaintDesktopVersion in the right-hand pane of alphabetical entries. Double-click on it and change the value data 0 to 1 click ok to close the window. Close the registry window and simply Restart Windows to take effect. That’s it, you should now see the Windows version painted on your lovely Windows 10 desktop.

I hope after reading this post you can easily find out your installed windows 10 version Editon and build no details. Still, have any queries, suggestion feel free to discuss in the comments below.

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I am Robeg founder of this blog. My qualification. completed Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). With a strong background in computer applications love write articles on Microsoft Windows (11, 10, etc.) Cybersecurity, WordPress and more.